Page 133 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 133

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                                     Meet The New Board!

                                     The make up of the JRCERT   chair of the JRCERT Board.   by the Association of Collegiate
                                     Board of Directors is once again   Thank you, Debra!      Educators in Radiologic Technol-
                                     changing as Directors complete                        ogy, Inc. (ACERT) has been
                                     their terms of service.  At the   We now welcome two new   seated on our Board.  Bette
                                     conclusion of the spring meeting,   Directors to the board.  Loraine   Schans, Ph.D., R.T.(R), FASRT, is
                                     Laura Aaron, Ph.D. R.T.(R)(M)  (Lorie) Zelna, M.S., R.T.(R)(MR),   currently Director of Assess-
                                     (QM), FASRT, formerly first vice   who was nominated to the   ment and Learning and Profes-
          Loraine (Lorie) Zelna,
          M.S., R.T.(R)(MR)          chair, moved to the chair posi-  Board by the American Society   sor, Radiologic Technology at
                                     tion replacing Debra Poelhuis,   of Radiologic Technologists   Colorado Mesa University,
                                     M.S., R.T.(R)(M), who has com-  (ASRT).  Ms. Zelna is currently   Grand Junction, CO.
                                     pleted a very successful 6-year   an Associate Professor for the
                                     term on the Board.  We wish to   Department of Medical Imaging   Both Ms. Zelna and Dr. Schans
                                     extend our sincere appreciation   at Misericordia University, Dal-  were installed as Directors at
                                     to Debra for her tremendous   las, PA.  Additionally, for the first   the conclusion of the spring
                                     hard work and dedication during   time in the history of the   meeting of the JRCERT Board of
                                     her tenure as a Director and   JRCERT, an individual nominated   Directors.

          Bette Schans, Ph.D., R.T.(R),

                                                           JRCERT Board of Directors
                                          Back Row (L - R):  Susan R. Hatfield PhD.,  Bette Schans, Ph.D., R.T.(R), FASRT
                                          Laura Borghardt, M.S., C.M.D, Jason L. Scott, M.B.A., R.T.(R)(MR), CRA, FAHRA,
                                        Loraine (Lorie) Zelna, M.S., R.T.(R)(MR), Stephanie Eatmon, Ed.D., R.T.(R)(T), FASRT
          Laura S. Aaron, Ph.D., R.T.(R)  Front Row (L - R):  Darcy Wolfman, M.D., Laura S. Aaron, Ph.D., R.T.(R)(M)(QM), FASRT
          (M)(QM), FASRT, Chair
                                                              Tricia Leggett, DHEd., R.T.(R)(QM)
           A Message from The New Chair:

                                      sions that can be used to help   the JRCERT and our programs.    with us in the past, you understand
           On behalf of the JRCERT Board of
                                      keep your programs functioning   This newsletter is one of the strat-  how important it is for us to hear
           Directors, I would like to welcome
                                      smoothly and meeting the Stand-  egies that we will employ to help   your feedback during the process.
           you to our newsletter, the Pulse.
                                      ards.                     us reach that goal.
           Many times during board meetings                                                I look forward to a productive
           we discuss issues that need to be   As the incoming chair of the   In the upcoming months, we will   year for the JRCERT and to hear-
           shared with our programs.  The   JRCERT Board of Directors, one   be undergoing a comprehensive   ing your comments and sugges-
           Directors want to share with you   of my goals is to continue im-  revision of the Standards.  If you   tions.
           key information from these discus-  proving communication between   have been through this process   Laura
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