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2021 Standards

                                                After many years of draft and revisions, the 2021 Standards are set to be implemented
                                                January 1, 2021. These Standards were adopted during the April 2020 Board of Directors
                                                meeting. While there are similarities between the 2014 Standards and the 2021 Standards,
                                                the documents are unique. The JRCERT urges program officials to enroll in the 2021
                                                Standards e-Learning course, which is now open. Course schedules are available here. This
                                                course will provide valuable insight into the new Standards and prepare program officials for
                                                continuing accreditation over the next several years.
                                                Programs that have an Interim Report with a due date of January 1, 2021 or later will submit
                                                the Interim Report using the 2021 Standards. Interim Reports that were due before this date
                                                will continue to be submitted using the 2014 Standards. In July of 2020, programs had
                                                begun to receive notification that the Interim Report using the 2021 Standards was available
                                                for completion.
                                                Programs that previously submitted continuing applications using the 2014 Standards will be
                                                evaluated using the 2014 Standards during the on-site visit, even if the site visit occurs after
               The JRCERT is the only agency
                                                the January 1, 2021 implementation date. Any program that submits a self-study report using
               recognized by the United States
                                                the 2021 Standards will be evaluated on-site using the 2021 Standards.
               Department of Education
                                                Programs are encouraged to note the required program responses and site visitor evaluation
               (USDE) and the Council for
                                                methods for each objective in the 2021 Standards. The required program response in each
               Higher Education Accreditation   objective is what is required of the program when completing a self-study report. Objectives
               (CHEA) for the accreditation of   in the 2021 Standards may require a narrative, documentation, a narrative with
                                                documentation, or no response at all. Possible site visitor evaluation methods provide the
               traditional and distance
                                                site visit team and the program a list of methods that may be utilized during the on-site
               delivery education programs in   review to determine compliance with an objective.
               radiography, radiation therapy,
                                                Please feel free to contact the office with any questions or comments.
               magnetic resonance, and
               medical dosimetry.

               The JRCERT Newsletters are
               archived on the JRCERT website,
     , under the
               “Accreditation Information” tab.


               20 North Wacker Drive
               Suite 2850
               Chicago, IL  60606-3182
               (312) 704-5300
               (312) 704-5304 (fax)

                                                Pulse Editors:
                                                Timothy Ebrom, M.S., Accreditation Assistant
                                                Jason Mielcarek, M.A.M.Ed., Accreditation Assistant
                                                Joanne Sauter, B.A., Administrative Assistant
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