Page 49 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 49

COVID and Other FAQs
               Innovation in

               Education                       Q. Should I be documenting for my records the changes that I have made to my curriculum
                                               due to COVID-19? Do I need to submit those changes to the JRCERT?
                                                   A. Yes, all changes to standard operating procedures of the program should be
               Excellence in education is the      documented by the program. This documentation can be detailed directly on the
                                                   program’s contingency plan, through meeting minutes, and/or documentation records
               driving force of the JRCERT
                                                   by the program director. The documentation may include courses that were taught in
               and with that comes creativity      the online environment when they are typically taught in the traditional classroom
               and flexibility to ensure           environment; advisory council meetings that were postposed or conducted in the
                                                   virtual environment instead of in-person; or changes in course rotation and sequencing,
               student and program success.
                                                   clinical scheduling impacts, etc.  Due to the many constraints our programs are facing,
               One of the JRCERT’s core            the JRCERT understands that assessment tools and measurements may be
               values is to encourage              impacted.  Programs will want to also document the impacts to assessment outcomes,
                                                   in terms of availability of outcomes and situational impacts on student performance.
               educational innovation as
                                                   At this time, the JRCERT is not requiring specific documentation regarding COVID-19
               identified in the 2021
                                                   impacts on the program be submitted to the office.
               Standards for an Accredited
               Educational Program.  Some      Q. How do I address COVID-related accommodations made when I complete my Program
                                               Annual Report?
               examples of innovative
               practices may include various       A. The Program Annual Report currently being collected is for the 2019 calendar year.
                                                   Any COVID related modifications would not have been in effect for this time period.
               methods of instructional
                                                   These adjustments will be addressed on next year’s Program Annual Report.
               delivery, to include distance
                                               Q. Our program is not learning on campus, but we would still like our students to have
               education, interprofessional
                                               laboratory experiences.  Can we use synchronous learning, where students over video
               education, or creative clinical   dictate to faculty in the lab how to complete the exercises?
               scheduling.  If you would like
                                                   A. No.  While synchronous (or asynchronous) learning is appropriate for didactic
               to share your innovative            instruction, laboratory experiences are meant to be hands-on with the students.
               practices, please submit a
                                               Q. Our program is having some difficulty getting back into our clinical settings.  While we
               short abstract of 100 words or
                                               have prioritized getting our second-year students into clinical, can our first-year students
               less, describing your           complete clinical hours in our laboratory?
               innovative educational              A. No.  Laboratory experiences cannot take the place of student clinical hours.
               practices, as well as your
                                               Q. I just wanted to confirm that we cannot send students to new clinical settings until the
               contact information, to
                                               JRCERT has approved these facilities, even though our local state has approved these
      no later   facilities.  I am basing this off of: In accordance with JRCERT policy, clinical sites must be
               than January 31, 2021.          approved by the JRCERT before students are assigned to the site. Is that correct?
                                                   A. This is correct.  JRCERT Policy 11.400, Procedure 11.405D, “requires that programs
               The JRCERT will compile these
                                                   apply for recognition of clinical settings and receive approval prior to placement of
               resources which will be placed      students.”
               on our website to share with
                                               Q. For program consolidation, is it considered a substantive change if a course is eliminated
               our accredited programs.
                                               and course content is added to an existing course? This would result in some existing
               Thank you for your continued    courses increasing in credits, but the overall program content, outcomes, and total credits
                                               would not change - it would just be rearranged and condensed.
               support of programmatic
               accreditation.                      A. Please refer to JRCERT Policy 11.400, Procedure 11.408 which can be located
                                                   here.  It is considered a substantive change when the addition/deletion of more than
                                                   two courses occur.  This would include eliminating courses and adding curriculum
                                                   content to established courses.  Again, if this occurs in more than two courses, then a
                                                   substantive change would have to be approved by the JRCERT Board of Directors prior
               4                                   to implementation.
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