Page 53 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 53

Lessons Learned (Cont’d From Front Page)

                                                The safety and well-being of our program faculty, students, site visitors, and JRCERT staff are
                                                always at the forefront of our decision making. It is uncertain when educators and students
                                                may return to the classrooms or face-to-face site visits may resume. We continue to respond
                                                in a proactive and dynamic manner in the environment in which we operate. It has been said
                                                that a crisis is an excellent opportunity to prepare for the next crisis. With that being said, it
                                                is important to revisit your plan periodically to assure it is up-to-date.
                                                As always, the JRCERT staff is available to assist you with any questions you may have.
                                                Stay safe and healthy.

                “The safety and well-being of our program faculty, students, site visitors, and
                JRCERT staff are always at the forefront of our decision making. ”

                                                April 2020 Board Update

                                                On April 15, 2020, the JRCERT Board of Directors met for the first of their semiannual
                                                business meetings in 2020. The Board regularly meets in April and October to discuss
                                                important topics related to the organization, the radiologic sciences, and the medical
                                                imaging profession. Historically, the Board meets at the JRCERT office in Chicago over two
                                                days. To promote the health and safety of the Board and staff, the meeting was condensed
                                                into one day and held using video-conferencing. The Board was still able to discuss topics
                                                including the 2021 Standards, reports from committees and meetings, and the continuing
                                                accreditation of several programs.
                                                At the conclusion of the meeting, David P. Daugherty, Jr., M.B.A., C.R.A., R.T.(R)(CT)(MR),
                                                FACHE, was installed as a new director. David is the Market Sr. Director of Imaging Services
                                                at Novant Health, which is based in Winston-Salem, NC. David was nominated by the
                                                Association for Medical Imaging Management (AHRA) and will provide valuable insight from
                                                the employers’ perspective regarding the medical imaging profession. The JRCERT Board
                                                and staff welcome David and look forward to working with him.
            David P. Daugherty, Jr., M.B.A., C.R.A.,
                                                Finally, the Board of Directors adopted the 2021 Standards for an Educational Program in
            R.T.(R)(CT)(MR), FACHE
                                                Radiography, Radiation
                                                Therapy, Magnetic Resonance,
                                                and Medical Dosimetry.
                                                JRCERT staff is working
                                                diligently on finalizing the
                                                documents for publication on
                                                the JRCERT website. Please
                                                find more information in the
                                                Standards Revision Update
                                                article on the next page.

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