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2021 Standards
                                                                                       New Program

            Before the April 2020 meeting of the JRCERT Board of Directors, the Standards Committee
            met to discuss comments received since the October 2019 meeting of the committee. The
            committee received feedback from individuals through online surveys regarding Draft 3 and   The radiography program at
            Draft 3 Revisions. Additional comments and feedback were received during the past six   Hunter Business School in
            months from several national and state organizations including: American Society of
                                                                                       Levittown, NY received an
            Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) - Radiation Therapy and Medical Dosimetry Chapter,
            Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences (AEIRS), Medical Dosimetrist   initial 3-year accreditation at
            Certification Board (MDCB), and The Association of Educators in Radiologic Technology of   the April 2020 Board of
            the State of New York (AERTSNY). The JRCERT is very grateful for all of the comments and
                                                                                       Directors meeting.
            feedback received throughout the duration of the Standards Revision project.
                                                                                       Congratulations on a job well
            Based on feedback and comments, the Standards Committee made minor changes to the
            Draft 3 Revisions document. Some of the changes are as follows (underlined phrases note   done during the initial
            changes):                                                                  application process!

                    Objective 3.1 (all disciplines) – Institutional policies and practices for faculty
                    workload and release time must be consistent with, and comparable to, faculty
                    in other health sciences programs in the same institution. Faculty workload and
                    release time practices must include allocating time and/or reducing teaching load
                    for educational, accreditation, and administrative requirements expected of the
                    program director and clinical coordinator.
                    A definition of comparable will be added to the glossary.
                    Objective 3.1 (Medical Dosimetry) - A full-time program director is required.
                    The program director may also be identified as the radiation therapy program
                    director.  Also, a full-time equivalent clinical coordinator is required if the
                    program has more than fifteen (15) students enrolled in the clinical component
                    of the program.  The clinical coordinator may also be identified as the radiation
                    therapy clinical coordinator.
                    Objective 4.2 (all disciplines) - A well-structured curriculum … variety of
                    situations and patient conditions. The well-structured curriculum is guided by a
                    master plan of education.
                    The JRCERT encourages innovative approaches to curriculum delivery methods
                    that provide students with flexible and creative learning opportunities. These
                    methods may include, but are not limited to, distance education courses, part-
                    time/evening curricular tracks, service learning, and/or interprofessional
                    Objective 5.4 (Radiography) - Students must be directly supervised during
                    surgical and all mobile, including mobile fluoroscopy, procedures regardless of
                    the level of competency.
            The Standards Committee arrived at a consensus to adopt the 2021 Standards and brought
            forth the recommendation that the full Board adopt the Standards during the April Board
            Meeting. At the April 2020 Board Meeting, the JRCERT Board of Directors moved to adopt
            the 2021 Standards with an implementation date of January 1, 2021.
            JRCERT staff are making final editorial and grammatical revisions to the 2021 Standards
            documents before the documents are copywritten. These documents will then be published
            on the JRCERT website as soon as possible thereafter.

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