Page 56 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 56

Q.  It does not appear that our students will return to clinic this summer; how can these
                                                                                       Travel Agency
            students make-up missed clinical time?
                A.  The JRCERT has granted temporary flexibility in clinical education, such as evening   Temporary
                and weekend rotations exceeding 25% of the total clinical clock hours and students
                volunteering to exceed 10 clinical hours in a day. Appropriate supervision policies   Hours
                must be adhered to.
            Q.  Can I enroll my students in summer clinical course(s) even though the clinical setting
            will not allow students in the facility?                                   Due to the current slowing of
                A.  Should the program continue with its summer session, the JRCERT remains   demand for travel services,
                steadfast that laboratory hours, including virtual simulation, do not take the place of
                                                                                       Premier Travel Management
                clinical hours. Additionally, final grades may not be able to be issued until the
                                                                                       is temporarily adjusting their
                summer clinical course(s) have been completed. The program may wish to consider
                providing didactic courses until students can safely participate in the clinical   office hours. Starting
                component of the program (i.e., temporary restructuring of the curriculum).
                                                                                       Monday, April 20, 2020 their
            Q.  Will the JRCERT grant an extension for the due date of my self-study report/interim   hours of operation will be
            report?  If so, is  there a fee associated with this extension?            8am to 5pm, M-F.
                A.  The JRCERT is currently extending all accreditation reports and required
                                                                                       Should you require travel
                documentation upon written request. There is not a fee associated with a reasonable
                extension request during the pandemic.                                 assistance outside of their
                                                                                       office hours, you may
            Q.  We are concerned about our Advisory Committee meeting face to face.  Are we
                                                                                       continue to call their
            required to meet this year?
                                                                                       designated after hours
                A.  Programs may consider alternative methods to obtain feedback from their
                Advisory Committee that do not involve meeting face to face; this may be performed   number (Note $20 charge per
                in a variety of ways (e.g., email, webinar, surveys, etc.).            after hours call, plus any
                                                                                       applicable cost for ticketing
            Program Annual Report                                                      action).

                                                                                       When their clients begin to
            The JRCERT will be distributing information regarding the 2019 Program Annual Report
                                                                                       travel again, they will return
            by July. This year’s reporting process will be very similar to last year’s. Radiography,
            radiation therapy, and magnetic resonance programs are reminded that they must   to their previous operating
            submit a copy of the Candidate Exam Results report from the American Registry of   hours to best serve you.
            Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) using the graduation date range of 1/2015 – 12/2019.
            Medical dosimetry programs must submit the Medical Dosimetrist Certification Board   Premier Travel Management
            (MDCB) reports from 2015-2019, indicating the number of graduates who passed on   (312) 427-8400
            the first attempt during each year of this period. Additionally, all programs will be
            required to submit a completed representative sample of documentation that reflects
            employment verification for students graduating during 2019.
            Resources to help complete the 2019 Program Annual Report will be available on the
            JRCERT website by mid-June. The completed 2019 Program Annual report will be due
            October 2, 2020 for programs whose final 2019 class graduation was between January
            1 and September 30, 2019. For programs whose final 2019 class graduation was
            between October 1 and December 31, 2019, the 2019 Program Annual Report will be
            due January 15, 2021. The JRCERT thanks its programs for taking the time to complete
            the 2019 Program Annual Report, and, as always, we are here to help should you need
            any assistance.

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