Page 55 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 55

Frequently Asked Questions

               Documentation                   In response to the pandemic, the JRCERT has fielded numerous questions and the answers
               for Program                     may be applicable and helpful to other programs facing many of the same scenarios.

               Faculty                         Q.  Can we exceed our program total capacity (PTC) if we accept a new cohort of students
                                               while our senior students are waiting to resume their clinical rotations and complete their
                                               competency requirements?

                                                   A.  Consistent with JRCERT policy, an increase in PTC must be approved by the JRCERT.
               Programs are required to
                                                   Before the JRCERT will improve an increase in PTC, the JRCERT must be assured that all
               submit transcripts or diplomas      enrolled students are supported by the appropriate human and physical resources and
                                                   educationally valid clinical experiences.
               as degree documentation for
               program faculty including       Q.  Do I need to seek approval from the JRCERT if we are utilizing hybrid/distance education
               program directors, clinical     as a result of the pandemic?
               coordinators, and full-time         A.  Currently, it is not necessary for the JRCERT to approve online learning if it is a
               didactic faculty.  If transcripts   temporary response to the pandemic. If you decide in the future you wish to continue to
                                                   utilize hybrid/distance education, the JRCERT considers this a substantive change and
               are provided, the degree
                                                   this will require submission to the office for approval.
               granting institution must be
                                               Q.  Can our program utilize a pass/fail grading system?
               clearly identified on the
               transcript.  Additionally, the      A.  The JRCERT will accept the pass/fail grading system if it is supported by the
                                                   sponsoring institution; however, the same grading system must be utilized for all
               degree awarded must also be
               clearly identified on a
               transcript.  If a program is    Q.  What happens if my sponsoring institution furloughs program faculty during the
               submitting transcripts for an
                                                   A: It is the expectation of the JRCERT that program officials remain in contact with their
               individual that is enrolled in an
                                                   students during the pandemic. Additionally, the JRCERT requires that when the program
               educational program and             resumes operations it must fulfill its commitment to the currently enrolled students and
               working on attaining a degree,      furlough employees return to the program. Should administration decide that the
                                                   program cease operation, the JRCERT requires immediate notification.
               the transcripts must likewise
               identify the educational        Q.  What if my students are not comfortable with returning to the clinical setting due to
               program and/or degree to be     high risk factors and/or immediate family members with high risk factors?
               granted upon completion.  If a      A.  The program must consider the health concerns of the students and provide an
                                                   alternate clinical plan should students not wish to participate in the clinical experience.
               diploma is provided as degree
                                                   If PPE is not available for the students, the JRCERT will not support the students
               documentation, it must              participating in clinical education.
               likewise clearly identify the
                                               Q.  We have recently received inquiries from local hospitals requesting to employ our senior
               degree-granting institution as
                                               students.   Can these students apply their work hours to the program’s clinical hour
               well as the degree granted.     requirements and/or complete required competencies during employment hours?
                                                   A.  The activities of a student employed at these settings must remain separate from
                                                   those activities required of the student enrolled the program. Employment hours cannot
                                                   count toward the program’s clinical hour requirements. Additionally, competencies may
                                                   not be performed during employment hours.

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