Page 58 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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JRCERT                         Staff Updates

                                              The JRCERT is proud to announce that Jennifer Michael, Ed.D.,
               The JRCERT is the only agency   R.T.(R) has been promoted to Assistant Director. Jennifer’s drive
                                              and dedication to the organization has proven invaluable over the
               recognized by the United States
                                              last several months. We’re excited for the leadership that Jennifer
               Department of Education (USDE)                     will provide!
               and the Council for Higher
                                                                  The JRCERT family continues to
               Education Accreditation (CHEA)                     grow. Accreditation Assistant Tim
                                                                  Ebrom and his wife Amanda
               for the accreditation of
                                                                  welcomed their first child, Benjamin
               traditional and distance delivery                  Louis Daniel, to the world on April
                                                                  28. Mother and baby are home and
               education programs in
                                                                  doing well. Congratulations!
               radiography, radiation therapy,
                                                                  IT Administrator Paul Luhn’s son got
               magnetic resonance, and                            married on April 18. Another son
               medical dosimetry.                                 and daughter-in-law are expecting a
                                                                  child. Paul is looking forward to
                                              celebrating all of these new additions to his family later this
                                              fall. Congratulations on all the fantastic news!

                                              Top right: Jennifer E. Michael, Ed.D., R.T.(R)
                                              Above: Timothy J. Ebrom, M.S.
                                              Lower right: Paul Luhn, B.A.

               20 North Wacker Drive
               Suite 2850
               Chicago, IL  60606-3182
               (312) 704-5300
               (312) 704-5304 (fax)

               The JRCERT Newsletters are
               archived on the JRCERT website,
     , under the
               “Accreditation Information” tab.

               Pulse Editors:
               Timothy Ebrom, M.S., Accreditation Assistant
               Jason Mielcarek, M.A.M.Ed., Accreditation Assistant
               Joanne Sauter, B.A., Administrative Assistant

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