Page 73 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 73


            Standards Revision Update

            The JRCERT Standards Committee     those who provided feedback on Draft 2.    •  The job placement rate will
            would like to update you on the    Draft 1 and Draft 2 remain on the website   remain at a five-year average of
            progress of the Standards Revision.     for those wishing to perform a more   not less than 75% within twelve
            The committee met in April to begin   through crosswalk; however, some    months of graduation. (All
            the process of developing Draft 3.    noteworthy changes for Draft 3 are as   documents)
            This process begins with the       follows:
            committee thoroughly reviewing                                         The project remains on schedule and
                                               •   Consolidating the Degree and    you can review the complete timetable
            each comment from all our
                                                   Certificate documents into one  at our main Standards Revision
            stakeholders to identify themes.
                                                   Standards document for each     webpage or by clicking Standards
            Feedback and comments were
            obtained through surveys, emails, and   modality.                      Revision Project Timetable.
            phone conversations.               •   The credentialing examination pass  We welcome comments at any time, so
                                                   rate will remain at a five-year average
            The JRCERT is grateful for thoughtful                                  if you were unable to respond to one
                                                   of not less than 75 percent at first
            feedback from the following national   attempt within six months of    of the initial surveys, please feel free to
            and state organizations: American                                      send comments to
                                                   graduation. (Radiography, Radiation
            Association of Medical Dosimetrists                          ,
                                                   Therapy, Magnetic Resonance)
            (AAMD), Medical Dosimetry                                    , or look for a JRCERT
                                               •   The credentialing examination pass  representative at an upcoming
            Certification Board (MDCB), The
            Association for Medical Imaging        rate will remain at a five-year average  conference.
            Management (AHRA), and New             of not less than 75 percent at first  As always, we look forward to your
            Jersey Educators in Radiologic         attempt within twelve months of  continued input and to publishing the
            Imaging (NJERI).                       graduation. (Medical Dosimetry)  third draft of the Standards in the
            The JRCERT is appreciative for all                                     near future.


                                                                                   Lorie Zelna, M.S., R.T.(R)(MR)
                                                                                   Standards Committee Chair
                                                                                   First Vice Chair – JRCERT Board of
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