Page 17 - JRCERT Peer 2 Peer Newsletters
P. 17


                                         Due to the pandemic, the JRCERT realizes that many clinical facilities have experienced
                                         limited staffing. Due to the work shortages, at times it is difficult for clinical preceptors to
                                         travel to the sponsoring institution for interview sessions. The JRCERT finds it acceptable to
                                         perform virtual interviews for these individuals. JRCERT Policy 11.600, Policy Statement
                                         11.610 permits hybrid site visits due to catastrophic events; however, the JRCERT must
                                         approve them.

                                         DISTANCE EDUCATION (DE) EXEMPTIONS

                                         In Spring of 2020, the United States Department of Education enabled accreditors to permit
                                         programs to utilize DE as an alternative learning without prior approval in response to the
                                         COVID-19 pandemic. Effective September 6, 2022, the JRCERT no longer permits programs
                                         to utilize Distance Education (DE) of four or more courses without prior approval.
                                         The JRCERT defines distance education/delivery as an educational process characterized by
                                         the separation, in time or place, between instructor and students, which could be either
                                         synchronous or asynchronous.
                                         Programs that utilize alternative learning methods, such as DE, or utilize other
                                         accommodations, must have a recognized distance education track. The recognition of a
                                         distance education track qualifies as a substantive change. Please note that substantive
                                         changes must be approved by the JRCERT Board of Directors prior to implementation.
                                         Additionally, consistent with JRCERT Policy 11.400, Procedure 11.407G, if a program
                                         transitions to distance delivery of 100% of its radiologic science didactic courses, the
                                         continuing application process will be expedited, which includes submission of a self-study
                                         report and on-site review.

                                         RENTAL CARS

                                         Rental cars not provided by the program must be approved by the JRCERT. The site visitor
                                         will be responsible for pre-payment of the vehicle. The JRCERT will reimburse upon
                                         submission of the site visitor expense voucher and receipt.

                                         ELECTRONIC REIMBURSEMENT

                                         As a reminder, detailed receipts for all expenses claimed must be submitted with the expense
                                         voucher within 14 days of the site visit. Please email the voucher and copies of all receipts to
                                         Reimbursements are made electronically, with payments deposited directly into a bank
                                         account. All site visitors are required to create a secure and at no-cost account. If you
                                         have not had the opportunity to set up an account, a step-by-step guide will be provided to
                                         you following your next site visit assignment.
                                         SHARED CLINICAL SETTINGS

                                         Regardless of the number of programs utilizing a clinical facility, programs must always
                                         assure that there are adequate human and physical resources to support the number of
                                         students assigned.

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