Page 14 - JRCERT Peer 2 Peer Newsletters
P. 14


                                         We are excited to announce that our site visitor training methods have being updated! We
                                         now not only offer in-person and virtual workshops, we will also provide site visitor training
                                         through our LINK learning management system (LMS). Our online eLearning Plan allows for
                                         asynchronous training with greater flexibility to accommodate everyone’s schedules. A live
                                         webinar session will follow each session to provide the opportunity to pose questions or
                                         clarify information. As time comes for renewed training, site visitors can be enrolled in either
                                         the online courses or can opt to attend a face-to-face workshops or webinar. The choice is
                                         Upcoming Site Visitor Workshops:
                                            July 12, 2023—Madison, WI—In conjunction with the AEIRS Conference
                                            November 9, 2023—Site Visitor Webinar
                                         Sign up at Here

                                         NEW ASRT CURRICULUM EFFECTIVE SOON

                                         At its Spring 2022 Board meeting, the JRCERT Board of Directors adopted the American
                                         Society of Radiologic Technologists Radiography Curriculum. The implementation date for
                                         all radiography programs is September 1, 2023.

                                         SITE VISIT MODIFICATIONS

                                         Due to the pandemic, the JRCERT realizes that many clinical facilities have experienced
                                         limited staffing. Due to the work shortages, at times it is difficult for clinical preceptors to
                                         travel to the sponsoring institution for interview sessions. The JRCERT finds it acceptable to
                                         perform virtual interviews for these individuals. JRCERT Policy 11.600, Policy Statement
                                         11.610 permits hybrid site visits due to catastrophic events; however, the JRCERT Executive
                                         Staff must approve them.

                                         GUIDANCE FOR MR SAFETY

                                         The JRCERT is pleased to announce that a free module is now available for all program
                                         officials. This brief module can provide additional guidance for site visitors when evaluating
                                         Magnetic Resonance (MR) safety provided by the program for students. It incorporates some
                                         of the American College of Radiology (ACR) guidelines as they are referred to in the JRCERT
                                         Standards for Accredited Educational Programs. Programs are not required to use the
                                         guideline topics for MR safety training for their students since it is merely an additional
                                         resource, but they may. Programs are encouraged to utilize the ACR Manual for MR Safety as
                                         well as policies and procedures established by their clinical settings.

                                         There is also a Magnetic Resonance Screening Template available for program use, which is
                                         also not a requirement for program use, but simply another resource the JRCERT created to
                                         assist programs in this area of safety compliance.

                                         RENTAL CARS

                                         Rental cars not provided by the program must be approved by the JRCERT. The site visitor
                                         will be responsible for pre-payment of the vehicle. The JRCERT will reimburse upon
                                         submission of the site visitor expense voucher and receipt.

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