Page 98 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 98


              Become a Site Visitor!

              The JRCERT is always accepting     an apprentice site visitor found    as address, practitioner status,
              applications to become a site      at          beneficiary information, etc.,
              visitor for all disciplines that the   qualifications-application/  The   directly through the
              JRCERT accredits.  Site visitors   JRCERT thanks you for your          Accreditation Management
              include program directors, clinical   consideration in support of      System (AMS) portal.  Please be
              coordinators, faculty, deans, and   programmatic accreditation.        sure to log into the AMS portal
              clinical instructors.  We are      If you have any questions           using your site visitor
              currently in need of site visitors   regarding site visitor            credentials.
              that have experience in distance   requirements, please contact the
              education or perform patient care   office.
              at a minimum of eight hours a
                                                 If you are a current JRCERT site
              week.  If you have ever thought of
                                                 visitor, you may now update
              being a site visitor, please view
                                                 your personal information such
              the checklist and application to be

              Preparing for the Site Visit

              Whether you are a new or an        site visit is scheduled to begin.  Site   Program officials are encouraged to
              experienced program director,      visitors are typically on-site between   review the Site Visit Preparation
              preparing for a site visit is      16 and 20 hours and must evaluate all   Checklist in addition to the Site Visitor
              extremely important in assuring a   aspects of a program.  Team chairs   resources available on the JRCERT
              successful visit.  Program directors   may request the program have    Web site for more information on the
              should contact the team chair no   additional documentation to be      entire site visit process.
              later than four weeks before the   available at the time of the site visit.

              Legislative and Regulatory Concerns at the State Level

              Currently, there are several states   limited X-ray machine operators.    If your state has licensing and
              with pending licensure bills affecting   Eliminating the boards and their   regulatory issues that impact our
              radiologic technologists according   regulation of radiologic technologists   profession, please contact
              to the legislative and regulatory   would jeopardize patients’ health and   Accreditation Specialists Jacqueline
              tracking tool provided on the      safety.  The JRCERT is dedicated to   Kralik, M.A.L., R.T.(R)(CT)(MR) at
              ASRT Web site.  Some of these      ensuring the quality and safety of and/or Brian
              state bills are mandating elimination   patient care through the accreditation   Leonard, M.B.A., R.T.(R) at
              of the Radiography Regulatory      of educational programs in the to discuss what
              Boards.  These boards monitor the   radiologic sciences.               the JRCERT may be able to do to assist.
              practice of radiographers and
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