Page 110 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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               Volume 2, Number 2                                                                October 2016

              A Publication of the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology

          From the CEO                                                                         Inside this issue:
                                                                                           New Outcomes Assess-  2
          Greetings!                 Just a reminder - Veterans                            ment Conference
                                     Day is November 11 .
          The JRCERT Board of Directors
                                     Please remember to thank
          and staff extend our best wishes                                                 Standards Revision Update  3
          to you and your students as you   our veterans for their
          celebrate National Radiologic                                                    Accreditation Quick Tips   4
          Technology Week (November 6
          -12, 2016) - time to celebrate!  Finally, accreditation
                                                                                           ASRT’s Student Leadership  5
                                     specialist and PULSE editor,
          Please be sure to review the                                                     Development Program
                                     Tom Brown, will be retiring
          Summary of the October 2016
                                     at the end of the year.  Please   Best Wishes from
          Board Meeting to remain current                           the JRCERT!            Recognition of Clinical   6
                                     see comments on Tom’s                                 Settings and Observation
          on the Board’s decisions that
                                     retirement on page 7.                                 Sites . . . a little clarification
          may affect your program.  The                         best for the holiday season!
          Board Meeting Summary is also   On behalf of the Board and
                                                                -Leslie Winter, CEO
          available at:   staff, I would like to wish you                   The JRCERT Welcomes   7
                                                                                           New Programs
          under the About Accreditation   and your families all the very
                                                                                           Accreditation Specialist    7
          New!  Completely Redesigned Outcomes                                             Retiring
          Assessment Conference . . . Strategies for Success

                                                                                               The JRCERT is the
          May 11, 2017                                                                         only agency recog-
                                                                                               nized by the United
          Don’t miss this exciting oppor-                                                      States Department of
          tunity to increase your                                                              Education (USDE)
          knowledge of student learning                                               and the Council for Higher Edu-
          assessment and earn CE credits!                                             cation Accreditation (CHEA) for
                                                                                      the accreditation of traditional
                                                                                      and distance delivery education
          See page 2 for
                                                                                      programs in radiography, radia-
          more details.
                                                                                      tion therapy, magnetic resonance,
                                                                                      and medical dosimetry.
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