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             Strategies for Success . . . New JRCERT Outcomes Assessment Conference

              Producing highest-quality gradu-                                            “Backward Design”
              ates is the goal of all educational                                      Sarah Baker, Ed.D., R.T.(R), FASRT
              programs and assessment of    Strategies for Success
                                                                                       Dr. Sarah Baker
              student learning is the key to   (Tentative Program Pending ASRT Category A Credit)
                                                                                       is Associate
              meeting that goal through con-
                                                                                       Dean of Aca-
              tinuous program improvement.
                                           Date:            Thursday, May 11, 2017     demic Affairs for
              The JRCERT is excited to an-                  (8:00 am - 5:00 pm)        University Col-
              nounce a new one-day Out-
                                           Location:        The Engineers Building     lege at Indiana
              comes Assessment Conference,
                                                            205 W. Wacker Drive        University-Purdue University Indian-
              Strategies for Success, on                    Suite 202                  apolis, (IUPUI).
              Thursday, May 11, 2017.  We
                                           Registration Fee:    $50/individual
              believe the format of this new                (OA Conference only)
              one-day conference will provide
                                           Lodging:         The JRCERT has not           “Why Grades Don’t Make
              you with a wide array of valua-               contracted with a specif-      the Grade in Student
              ble information presented by                  ic hotel.  There is a list-   Learning Assessment”
              national leaders on assessment                ing of nearby hotel ac-    Bette Schans, PhD, R.T.(R), FASRT
                                                            commodations on the
              and student success.                          JRCERT Web site.                          Dr. Bette
                                                                                                      Schans is
              Come for the Outcomes As-
                                                                                                      currently the
              sessment Conference and stay
                                                                                                      Director of
              for the Accreditation Seminar
              or Site Visitor workshop on
                                                      “Tools to Assess                                of Student
              Friday, May 12, 2017 at no addi-       Student Learning”                 Learning at Colorado Mesa Uni-
              tional cost.  CE credits will be       Susan R. Hatfield, Ph.D.          versity in Grand Junction, CO.
              awarded upon completion of the
              Outcomes Assessment Confer-                      Dr. Susan R.
              ence, Accreditation Seminar,                     Hatfield is Profes-         “Here’s the Data,
              and Site Visitor Workshop.  A                    sor Emertia of                Now What ?”
              brochure with complete infor-                    Communication           Tricia Leggett, DHEd., R.T.(R)(QM)
              mation on the Strategies for                     Studies at              Dr. Tricia
              Success Conference and the                       Winona State            Leggett cur-
              registration form are now availa-   University, Winona, MN. Over her     rently serves
              ble for downloading and printing    34 years at WSU, Dr. Hatfield served   as the Vice
              at the Conference Webpage.          as Assessment Coordinator and
                                                  Department Chair.  Currently, Dr.    President for
                                                                                       Student Suc-
                                                  Hatfield is a Senior Scholar with the
             Capacity is limited                  Higher Learning Commission’s Acad-   cess at Zane
             . . . register today!                emy projects.                        State College, Zanesville, OH.
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