Page 113 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 113

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              Accreditation Quick Tips

                                                   This information, which may have   in the clinical settings “table”
                                                   been previously entered into       with a status of “Pending.”  To
                                                   other areas of the AMS portal, is   submit it to JRCERT for ap-
                                                   NOT automatically transferred      proval, you must highlight the
                                                   to the  self-study report.         clinical setting name and then
                                                  AMS Portal Instructional           click the “Submit” icon above
                                                                                      the table which will change the
                                                   Videos:  The process to enter a
                                                                                      status to “Pending Complete.”
                                                   clinical instructor request in the
                                                                                      Settings with a status of
                                                   portal is different for a clinical
              Here are some quick remind-                                             “Pending” have not been sub-
              ers to help you in meeting           instructor at the sponsoring       mitted to the JRCERT.
              JRCERT accreditation require-        institution vs. at a clinical setting.
              ments!                               Instructional videos are available    AMS Portal:  Whenever
                                                   by clicking here.                  changing personnel through
                 Documentation from The Joint                                        the portal, use the following
                                                     -To change a clinical instructor
                  Commission (TJC) or other                                           guidelines:
                                                     at sponsor, select “Changing
                  agencies that the program’s                                          If updating or changing in-
                                                     Program Officials.”
                  clinical settings are in compli-                                     formation about an individu-
                  ance with applicable state and/    -To change a clinical instructor  al (e-mail address, new
                                                                                       degree, address, etc.), click
                  or federal radiation safety laws   at clinical setting, select       the “Edit” icon.
                  should, if available, contain an   “Changing an Existing Clinical
                                                                                       If entering an altogether
                  expiration date.  A current        Setting.”                         new individual , click the
                  listing of JRCERT-approved      AMS Portal:  If you are making      “New” icon.
                  clinical setting accreditors is
                                                   changes to an approved clinical
                  available in the April 2016
                                                   setting that existed prior to the
                  Pulse newsletter. Click here.
                                                   new AMS portal, you may have
                 Self-study reports are “self-    to upload the affiliation agree-

                  contained” documents; there-     ment and the clinical setting
                  fore, documentation such as      accreditation documentation. All
                  ARRT cards, documentation of     required fields must be complet-
                  sponsoring institution accredi-  ed before you click “OK” at the
                  tation, documentation that       bottom of the page to accept
                  radiation sources at clinical    your changes.  If your changes
                  settings and energized labs are  did not go through, go back and
                  in compliance with state and/    check to make sure the required
                  or federal radiation safety laws,  documents are present.
                  and clinical affiliation agree-    AMS Portal: When adding a
                  ments must be included under
                                                   new clinical setting, it will appear
                  the appropriate objective.
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