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             Encourage YOUR Students to Become Future Leaders in the Profession
             . . . ASRT’s Student Leadership Development Program

             The American Society of Radiologic
                                                   Pennsylvania Affiliate Selects Students for SLDP
             Technologists (ASRT) has a truly out-
             standing program in place, the Student   The Pennsylvania affiliate selected two students to attend the 2016 SLDP in Las
             Leadership Development Program        Vegas - Emily Donovan and Cheyenne Wulff, both from the baccalaureate radiog-
             (SLDP), which offers an educational pro-  raphy program sponsored by Misericordia University, Dallas, PA.  The program’s
             gram designed just for students and an   director, Loraine (Lorie) Zelna, M.S., R.T.(R)(MR) is a strong advocate of the SLDP.
             opportunity to network with medical   “The students selected to participate in the program represent the future leaders
             imaging and radiation therapy profession-  of the profession,” said Ms. Zelna.  “It’s my hope that the skills they were taught
             als to get to better know the ASRT and   and the networking they experienced, together with their exuberant energy, will
             its activities.  All of this happens when   continue to guide and motivate them throughout their professional careers.”
             students selected for the program attend
             ASRT’s annual Educational Symposium
             and Governance and House of Delegates
             Meeting.  97 students attended the pro-
             gram during this year’s ASRT annual           Comments on the SLDP experience
             meeting in Las Vegas in June.  Students   How were you oriented to the experience?
             selected to participate in the program
                                                   Ms. Donovan:  “After being selected, I attended two webinars and an onsite orientation
             receive airfare, housing, a stipend for
                                                   in Las Vegas to help students prepare for what to expect at the Educational Symposium
             meals, and other travel expenses associ-
                                                   and House of Delegates meeting.  These sessions helped put me at ease about the pro-
             ated with attending the meeting.
             The SLDP provides a great opportunity
                                                   What did you gain from the SLDP experience?
             for students to become more involved in
                                                   Ms. Wulff:  “ I was able to meet many other students
             the professional organization and prepare
                                                   and technologists from around the country who share the
             for leadership positions in the radiologic
                                                   same passion as I do for our profession.  Additionally, I
             sciences. The JRCERT is honored to
                                                   was able to meet with officials from ASRT, ARRT, and the
             provide support for this program by
                                                   JRCERT.  I also learned how ASRT regulations and bylaws
             supplying each student attending with a
                                                   are discussed and approved and hear first hand from
             backpack imprinted with the JRCERT
                                                   ASRT officers what they do and how important it is for all
             logo.                                                                       Emily Donovan (left) and
                                                   of us to be involved.”                Cheyenne Wulff
             To learn more about the ASRT Stu-
                                                   What plans do you have to implement what you have learned?
             dent Leadership Development Pro-
             gram, go to or      Ms. Donovan:  “I plan to become more actively involved in the Pennsylvania society and
             contact Becky Apodaca, ASRT Di-       will be making a concentrated effort to get greater numbers of students in the state
             rector of Professional Practice at    involved.”
     The deadline      Ms. Wulff:  “I will be working to educate those students who are reluctant – as I once
             to apply for the 2017 SLDP is De-     was - to step out of their comfort zone and get involved.  Stepping out of that comfort
             cember 19, 2016.
                                                   zone can potentially lead to incredible opportunities within the profession.”
             Take a moment to read comments on the
             experience from two students who attended
             from the Pennsylvania affiliate society.
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