Page 112 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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               STANDARDS Revision Update

               Greetings, the JRCERT Standards   ers of the certification agencies and   Results of our initial survey should be
               Committee would like to update    professional societies to assist our   posted to our Standards Revision
               you on the progress of the com-   committee in the development of all   Web page after the April 2017 com-
               prehensive Standards revision pro-  future draft standards documents.    mittee meeting.
               ject as introduced in last fall’s   Once Draft 1 is made available, these
               Pulse newsletter. Please remem-   agencies, as well as all other stake-  We welcome comments at any time,
               ber that the JRCERT is dedicated   holders, will have another opportuni-  so if you were unable to respond to
               to a transparent revision process   ty to comment on the draft.  Refer   the initial survey, please feel free to
                                                                                      send comments to Stand-
               and will be expanding our Stand-  to our Standards Revision Project –
               ards Revision Web site with up-   Stakeholder Engagement document  As always,
               dates, survey results, and draft   for more information on these       we look forward to your continued
               documents.  Our Standards Revi-   agencies.                            input and to publishing the first draft
               sion Project Timetable indicates we                                    of the Standards in fall 2017.
               are right on schedule with our    JRCERT CEO Leslie Winter and         Stephanie Eatmon, Ed.D, R.T.(R)(T),
               survey distribution and with seek-  Executive Associate Director Jay   FASRT
               ing input from professional organi-  Hicks will host Standards Revision   Standards Committee Chair
               zations.  We extended the timeline   presentations in conjunction with the   First Vice Chair-JRCERT Board of
               for the initial Programs & Faculty   42  Association of Collegiate Educa-  Directors
               Survey until October 15, 2016 in an   tors in Radiologic Technology
               effort to gain more input and re-  (ACERT) and the 20  West Coast
               ceived a total of 485 responses.    Educators Council (WCEC) Student-
               This survey was sent out to all   Educator-Radiographer Seminar on
               program directors, clinical/      January 26, 2017 and March 9, 2017,
               educational coordinators, and facul-  respectively.  If you are attending the
               ty of accredited programs with the   JRCERT Accreditation Seminar pre-
               hope they would forward it to     ceding these conferences, you will
               adjunct faculty, clinical faculty,   also have an opportunity to voice
               deans, students, and other stake-  your input on the Standards revision
               holders.  The Committee and       project.  Click here for JRCERT
               JRCERT Staff are currently organiz-  Accreditation Seminar registration
               ing this data to develop Draft 1,   information.
               which will be reviewed at our April
               2017 and October 2017 Standards   After the holidays, we will be sending
               Committee meetings.               another survey to our site visitors to
               During the past year, we’ve also   seek their specific input in assessing
               sought salient information regard-  the validity, reliability, and ease of
               ing the future of medical imaging   interpretation of the current Stand-
               and radiation therapy, including   ards through the lens of a volunteer
               medical dosimetry, from the lead-  peer reviewer.
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