Page 129 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 129

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               Distance Education

              With an ever-increasing number   to submit a Notification of Sub-
              of our programs moving to inte-  stantive Change with fee.
              grate course delivery via distance
              education, it is important to   IMPORTANT:  All substantive
                                           changes must be approved by
              reiterate the JRCERT policies
                                           the JRCERT Board of Directors
              and standards that address the
                                           prior to implementation.  If
              use of distance education.
                                           submitted following implementa-  Journal of the American Society of
              Policy 10.803 provides the   tion, a fine will be assessed.   Radiologic Technologists, Septem-
              JRCERT’s definition of distance                             ber/October 2015 (Vol. 87,
                                           Five of the six standards – all
              education/delivery, online cours-                           Number 1) and is available on
                                           except Standard Four - contain
              es, and hybrid courses.                                     the JRCERT Web site under the
                                           elements relevant to evaluating a
                                                                          Programs and Faculty tab, Pro-
              Policy 11.407A explains that the   program’s distance education
                                                                          gram Resources.  The article
              delivery of four (4) or more   offerings.  Programs are strongly
                                                                          provides excellent guidance to
              radiologic science didactic cours-  encouraged to review the arti-
                                                                          programs currently utilizing, or
              es (excludes general education   cle, “Distance Education Stand-
                                                                          considering implementation of,
              courses) constitutes an alterna-  ards,” by Laura Aaron, PhD, R.T.
                                                                          distance education to assure
              tive learning option for the pro-  (R)(M)(QM), FASRT.  The article
                                                                          program quality is maintained.
              gram and requires the program   was originally published in the

              The JRCERT Welcomes NEW Programs

             Congratulations and welcome   Stanly Community College
             to these newly accredited pro-  Locust, NC
             grams.  Since May 2015, 2 appli-
             cant programs have been    Pima Medical Institute-Online
                                        Tucson, AZ
             awarded initial JRCERT accredi-
             tation by the Board of Direc-
             tors. The sponsoring institu-
             tions and program officials are
             to be commended for their
             hard work and demonstrated
             high level of professionalism in
             achieving the “gold standard” in
             programmatic accreditation:
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