Page 74 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 74


            New Modules                                                            Organizational Report

             Have you checked the JRCERT website   forthcoming in the near future.  The   The 2018 Organizational Report of the
             for program resources lately?  We heard   checklists for all four interim reports   JRCERT is now available online here or
             your requests for program resources and   have also been updated on the JRCERT   under the “About JRCERT” tab of the
             have begun producing some new materi-  website.  Finally, some resources for the   JRCERT website.  The report contains
             als.  Under the tab, “Program Director   students and the public have been devel-  information and statistics about the
             and Faculty” there is a “Program Re-  oped.  Under the “Students” tab, you can   JRCERT, and accreditation actions taken
             sources” section.  There you will find   find a short video discussing the benefits   during 2018.  Additionally, it contains
             “Outcomes Assessment Planning” which   of programmatic accreditation.  A module   demographical information on
             provides an overview of the importance   explaining the use of program effective-  accredited programs and site visitors
             of assessing student learning outcomes   ness data when exploring programs to   that performed site visits in 2018.  If
             and measuring program effectiveness.    consider for enrollment is also located   you have questions or comments about
             There is also a module on how to devel-  under the “Students” tab.  Be on the   the report, please do not hesitate to
             op your interim report in radiography   lookout for future modules for program   contact the office.
             that includes some quick check questions   faculty that will include “Calculating Pro-
             to challenge your knowledge of an interim   gram Effectiveness Data” and “Developing
             report.  Additional interim report mod-  Your Assessment Plan”.  If you have ideas
             ules for radiation therapy, magnetic reso-  for professional development modules,
             nance, and medical dosimetry will be   please share your suggestions with us.

            Additional Information for Interim Reports and Self-Study Reports

            Over the last year, the JRCERT office staff   been recently implemented and will be   or clarifying information for Interim Re-
            has been working to improve efficiency in   noticeable if you have submitted an Inter-  ports or Self-Study Reports, program
            order to provide better experiences for   im Report or Self-Study Report.  In years   officials would provide the documents as
            our programs.  One such improvement has   past, if JRCERT staff requested additional   email attachments.  With an update to the
                                                                                   AMS Portal, programs are now able to
                                                                                   attach the requested documentation and/
                                                                                   or narratives in a much more organized
                                                                                   manner.  Program officials familiar with
                                                                                   completing Responses to Report of Find-
                                                                                   ings and Progress Reports will notice that
                                                                                   the process to submit the requested
                                                                                   documentation is very similar.
                                                                                   Program officials are reminded that an-
                                                                                   swers to commonly asked questions and
                                                                                   links to instructional videos are available
                                                                                   under the Portal Helps section under the
                                                                                   FAQ tab on the JRCERT website.
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