Page 77 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 77


            The JRCERT Welcomes New Programs

            Congratulations and welcome to our   Yakima Valley Community College   Concordia College-New York
                                               Yakima, WA                          Bronxville, NY
            newly accredited programs!  Since the   Radiography                    Radiography
            November 2018 meeting of the Board
                                               Washburn University                 Pima Medical Institute-El Paso
            of Directors, six applicant programs   Topeka, KS                      El Paso, TX
            have been awarded initial JRCERT   Radiation Therapy                   Radiography
            accreditation.  The sponsoring     California Baptist University
            institutions and program officials are to   Riverside, CA
            be commended for their hard work and
            demonstrated high levels of        College of Central Florida
                                               Ocala, FL
            professionalism:                   Radiography

            New Employees Jennifer Michael, Ed.D. and Tim Ebrom, M.S.

            The JRCERT is excited to welcome Jen-  tor for the Quality Enhancement   Assistant with the organization.  Tim
            nifer Michael, Ed.D., R.T.(R) as an Accredi-  Plan.  She earned both her Bachelor of   earned his Bachelor of Science from the
            tation Specialist with the organiza-  Science in Radiologic Sciences and Mas-  University of
            tion.  Jennifer comes to the JRCERT from   ter of Science in Radiologic Science Ad-  Illinois at
            Northwestern State University where she   ministration from Northwestern State   Chicago and
                                  recently     University.  More recently, she earned   his Master
                                  served as    her Doctorate in Education, Curriculum   of Science
                                  Assistant    and Instruction in Health Professions   from DePaul
                                  Professor,   Education, from the University of Louisi-  Universi-
                                  Clinical     ana at Monroe.  Jennifer brings site visi-  ty.  Tim is
                                  Coordina-    tor experience, many awards and hon-  excited to
                                  tor, and     ors, and involvement with many commit-  bring his
                                  Department   tees and organizations to the JRCERT.     passion for education to the JRCERT
                                  Coordina-                                        and is looking forward to working with
                                               The JRCERT is also pleased to welcome
                                                                                   the organization and profession.
                                               Timothy Ebrom, M.S. as an Accreditation

            Pulse Editors:                     JRCERT
            Jason Mielcarek, M.A.M.Ed.         20 North Wacker Drive
             Accreditation Assistant           Suite 2850
            Joanne Sauter, B.A.                Chicago, IL  60606-3182
             Administrative Assistant          (312) 704-5300

            Follow us on Social Media          (312) 704-5304 (fax)                The JRCERT Newsletters are
                                                                                   archived on the JRCERT Web
                                                                                   site,, under the
                                                           “Accreditation Information” tab.
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