Page 75 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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            2018 Annual Reports

            It is that time of the year again!  The 2018   comprised of 2014-2018 data.  All other   4, 2019.  Programs that graduate
            JRCERT Annual Reports will be available   questions and data, i.e., program   students between October 1 and
            to programs on the Accreditation    completion rate, number of enrollments,   December 31, 2018 have an Annual
            Management System (AMS) portal the   and number of graduates pertain to the   Report due date of January 17, 2020.
            week of June 17, 2019.  Programs will   2018 calendar year only.       If programs have not previously had final
            receive a broadcast email announcing the
                                                If programs have graduation dates   graduation dates after October 1 and
            availability of the annual report on the
                                                between January 1 and September 30,   require a due date of January 17, 2020,
            portal.  Additionally, a link will be
                                                2018, the Annual Report is due October   the program must notify the office.
            provided in the email to a Guide for
            Completing the 2018 Annual Report.  The
            guide will also be made available on the
            JRCERT website under the Program
            Director and Faculty tab.
            In regard to five-year credentialing
            examination pass rate and five-year job
            placement rate, the 2018 Annual Report is

            Outcomes Assessment and Accreditation Workshop

             Are you attending the American Society
             of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Radia-
             tion Therapy Conference this September
             in Chicago?  If so, please consider arriving
             a day early to join us for an Outcomes
             Assessment and Accreditation Workshop.
             This workshop will take place Saturday,
             September 14 from 8am to 5pm.  At-
             tendees are eligible for continuing educa-
             tion credits.  More information and regis-
             tration is available here.
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