Page 76 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 76


            MRI Safety Policy

            In October 2014, the JRCERT Board   frequency hazards.  Programs must   col, if applicable.”  As students could
            of Directors adopted an interpreta-  describe how they prepare students for   have potential access to the magnetic
            tion of Objective 4.3 (Standards   magnetic resonance safe practices and   resonance environment at the begin-
            for an Accredited Educational      provide a copy of the screening proto-  ning of clinical rotations, students
            Program in Radiography/                                                 should be screened and prepared for
            Radiation Therapy/Medical Do-                                           magnetic resonance safe practices prior
            simetry) and Objective 4.1                                              to entering the clinical setting.  If the
            (Standards for an Accredited                                            status of the student should change
            Educational Program in Magnet-                                          prior to magnetic resonance rotations,
            ic Resonance).  This interpretation                                     the student should be screened again to
            states that “Programs must establish a                                  ensure the health and safety of the
            safety screening protocol for students                                  student is maintained.
            having potential access to the magnet-
            ic resonance environment.  This as-
            sures that students are appropriately
            screened for magnetic wave or radio-

            Required Documentation for Interim Reports

            Interim Reports are required for those   Standards, and Objectives 4.4, 4.5 -   possible methods to ensure compli-
            programs that have been awarded eight-  Medical Dosimetry Standards).  Some   ance.  Programs are also reminded
            years accreditation.  These Interim Re-  possible ways to document that individuals   that analysis and sharing of student
            ports are due four years after the most   are made aware of these Objectives in-  learning outcome data and program
            recent site visit.  The purpose of the In-  clude dated memos reviewing supervision   effectiveness data must occur annually
            terim Report is to ensure compliance with   policies, student handbook signoffs indicat-  and must be formally documented
            specific objectives of the Standards since   ing the student is aware of all policies, and   (Objective 5.4).
            the time of the last site visit.  Two groups   clinical instructor meeting minutes noting
            of objectives require yearly documenta-  that supervision policies were reviewed.
            tion: supervision and assessment.  Pro-  Please note this is not an exhaustive list of
            grams are required to ensure students,
            clinical instructors, and clinical staff are
            made aware of the program’s direct, indi-
            rect, and repeat supervision requirements
            on a yearly basis (Objectives 4.4, 4.5,
            4.6 - Radiography Standards, Objective
            4.4 - Radiation Therapy Standards, Ob-
            jectives 4.4, 4.5 - Magnetic Resonance
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