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            Standards Revision Update

            The JRCERT Standards Revision         Standard Six: Programmatic           Association of Collegiate
                                                   Evaluation: Using Data for Sustained
            Committee would like to update you on                                        Educators in Radiologic
                                                   Improvement.                                           rd
            the progress of the project.  The                                            Technology (ACERT) 43  ACERT
            committee has worked diligently over   Other noteworthy proposals include:   Conference, Thursday, February 1,
                                                                                         2018, Las Vegas, NV.
            the past six months to develop draft
                                                  Three-year average credentialing
            documents.  The draft documents                                             Atlanta Society of Radiologic
                                                  examination pass rate of not less than                  th
            (Radiography, Radiation Therapy,      80 percent at first attempt within six  Technologist (AtlSRT) 28
                                                                                         Student & Radiographer’s Seminar
            Magnetic Resonance, and Medical       months of graduation.
                                                                                         & Educators Conference, March 3-
            Dosimetry) are currently being proofed     Three-year average job placement  6, 2018, Atlanta, GA.
            and finalized, and we anticipate posting   rate of not less than 80 percent    Virginia Society of Radiologic
            the documents on the Standards        within twelve months of graduation.
                                                                                         Technologists (VSRT) Student,
            Revision webpage in December.  The     Three-year average program           Educators, & Technologist Annual
            JRCERT will announce a call for       completion rate of not less than 80    Seminar, April 5-7, 2018, Virginia
            comments via both surveys and email.  If   percent within 150 percent of stated  Beach, VA.
            at any time you wish to comment, please   program length.                   Ohio Society of Radiologic
            feel free to email us at              Program completion rate is defined as  Technologists (OSRT) Annual
          the number of students who             Meeting, April 5-8, 2018,
                                                  complete the program within 150        Cincinnati, OH.
            For more information regarding the    percent of the stated program length.    North Carolina Society of
            Standards revision timetable, please visit   The program specifies the entry point  Radiologic Technologists (NCSRT)
            the Standards revision webpage.       (e.g., required orientation date, final  Annual Conference, April 11-13,
                                                  drop/add date, final date to drop with  2018, Asheville, NC.
            A major change from previous Standards   100 percent tuition refund, official
                                                  class roster date, etc.) used in      Association of Educators in
            is the development of Standards specific
                                                  calculating its completion rate.  When  Imaging and Radiologic Sciences
            to the program’s terminal award, i.e.,
                                                  considering the total number of        (AEIRS), 2018 Annual Meeting, July
            degree or certificate.  This will result in   students enrolled in the program  12-13, 2018, Charleston, SC.
            two Standards documents for each      (denominator), programs need not      Other dates/locations to be
            discipline.  The draft documents include   consider graduates who attrite due to  determined – check the JRCERT
                                                  non-academic reasons such as: 1)
            six Standards:                                                               website.
                                                  financial, medical/mental health, or
               Standard One: Accountability, Fair  family reasons, 2) military
                Practices, and Public Information  deployment, 3) a change in major/  We look forward to your feedback and
               Standard Two:  Institutional      course of study, and/or 4) other   thank you for your continued support
                Commitment and Resources          reasons an institution may classify as a  of programmatic accreditation.
               Standard Three: Faculty and Staff  non-academic withdrawal.          Sincerely,
               Standard Four:  Curriculum and  JRCERT representatives will be facilitating
                Academic Practices              Standards revision presentations at the
               Standard Five: Health and Safety  following meetings in 2018:
                                                                                     Bette A. Schans, Ph.D., R.T.(R), FASRT
                                                                                     Standards Committee Chair
                                                                                     First Vice Chair JRCERT Board of
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