Page 91 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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            Upcoming Resources

            Would you like to have some tips      provided some excellent               team. Some of the upcoming
            on developing your interim            suggestions for professional          resources are revisions of existing
            report? How about refining your       development activities and we         modules on the JRCERT Web
            assessment plan? Or how to            want to thank all of you for your     site, expansion of the outcomes
            enhance your Report of Site Visit     feedback! The survey results are      assessment modules, and
            Team Findings at the conclusion of    providing direction for the           development of additional online
            a site visit? The JRCERT asked for    development of resources,             resources for our site visitors.
            suggestions and you provided          whether you are a new program         Check the JRCERT Web site this
            them. The results of the survey       director, an experienced faculty      fall for release of some of these
            distributed in February 2018          member, or member of a site visit     new resources.

            2017 Annual Report

            The 2017 Program Annual Report         be made available on the JRCERT      Programs with final graduation of
            will be available to programs on       Web site under the Program           students between January 1 and
            the Accreditation Management           Director & Faculty tab.  The guide   September 30, 2017 – October
            System (AMS) portal the week of        is a valuable resource to help       5, 2018.
            July 9, 2018.  Programs will           answer questions you may have
            receive a broadcast email              about completing the annual          Programs with final graduation of
            announcing the availability of the     report.                              students between October 1 and
            annual report on the portal.                                                December 31, 2017 – January
            Additionally, a link will be           The due dates for submitting the     18, 2019.
            provided in the email to a Guide       2017 Program Annual Report are       If programs have not previously
            for Completing the 2017 Program        as follows:
                                                                                        had final graduation dates after
            Annual Report.  The guide will also
                                                                                        October 1 and require a due date
                                                                                        of January 18, 2019, the programs
                                                                                        must notify the office.
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