Page 95 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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Volume 3, Number 2                                                                     October 2017


             A Publication of the Joint Review Committee on
             Education in Radiologic Technology

             From the CEO                                                                    Inside this issue:

             Greetings from chilly Chicago!    the Board’s decisions that may                Standards Revision   2
             The JRCERT Board of Directors   affect your program.  The
                                                                                             New Web Site Launches  3
             has just completed its October   Board Meeting Summary is also
                                                                                             Electronic Payments   3
             2017 meeting, October 19-20.    available on the newly
             As always, the Board of    redesigned JRCERT Web site at                        Become a Site Visitor   4
             Directors discussed many under the                             Preparing for the Site Visit  4
             important items regarding   About Accreditation tab.                            Legislative and Regulatory  4
             programmatic accreditation.                                                     Concerns at the State
                                        On behalf of the Board and                           Level
             Please be sure to read the   staff, I would like to wish you                    Accreditation Quick Tips   5
             articles in this issue of the Pulse   and your families a happy and             The JRCERT Welcomes   6
                                                                 Leslie Winter, M.S., R.T.(R)
             and review the Summary of   safe holiday season!    Chief Executive Officer     New Programs
             the October 2017 Board                                                          Anniversary Celebrations  6
             Meeting to remain current on

              Emergency Closings

              The JRCERT continues to send    all our programs that we are available   The JRCERT is the only agency
                                                                                    recognized by the United States
              our thoughts and prayers to the   for programmatic guidance and
                                                                                    Department of Education (USDE) and
              victims of the devastating      assistance during strenuous times.  The   the Council for Higher Education
              hurricane season.  With any     safety of program officials, students, and   Accreditation (CHEA) for the
                                                                                    accreditation of traditional and distance
              natural disaster or unforeseen   families are always of the utmost    delivery education programs in
              circumstances, we wish to assure   importance throughout these ordeals.   radiography, radiation therapy, magnetic
                                                                                    resonance, and medical dosimetry.

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