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            JRCERT Organizational Report Now Available

            The JRCERT 2017 Organizational         •  Summary of program                •   Complete listing of JRCERT
            Report is now available on the
                                                      accreditation actions taken           site visitors performing site
            JRCERT Web site.  The report
                                                      by the JRCERT Board of                visits during 2017
            contains the following information:
                                                      Directors in 2017                 •   If you have any questions
            •   Demographic information on         •  Details on the composition            regarding the report, please
                accredited programs                                                         do not hesitate to call the
                                                      of the JRCERT Board of                office.

            Accreditation Quick Tips

            Pending Versus Pending Complete

            Programs that have submitted         approving the clinical setting.  If    Submit button to change the status
            requests for approval of clinical    the status of the clinical setting is   from Pending to Pending
            settings can view the status of the   Pending, program officials have not   Complete.  The clinical setting will
            setting through the JRCERT Portal    completed the recognition              then soon be reviewed by staff.
            (https://                            request.  Program officials must
        ensure that all necessary
            login).  If a setting’s status is    documentation has been attached
            Pending Complete, JRCERT staff is    to the clinical settings record.  If a
            in the process of reviewing          pending clinical setting is ready to
            documentation.  Staff may ask for    be submitted for approval, click on
            additional documentation before      the clinical setting and click the

            Faculty Info

            Consistent with Standard Six –       date.”  Program officials are          degree/credentials.  At this time,
            Objective 6.5 (Medical Dosimetry/    reminded to ensure contact and         only full-time faculty need to be
            Magnetic Resonance) and Standard     demographic information about          documented through the Portal;
            Six – Objective 6.6 (Radiography/    CEOs, deans, program directors,        part-time faculty do not need to
            Radiation Therapy), “The JRCERT      clinical coordinators, faculty, and    be identified.  Program officials can
            requires programs to maintain a      clinical instructors is current and    edit information for the
            current and accurate database.       accurate.  This information            appropriate person through the
            Updates should be reflected          includes prefixes, first and last      Program Official Change Request.
            within thirty (30) days of effective   names, email addresses, and
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