Page 10 - JRCERT Peer 2 Peer Newsletters
P. 10


                                         •     When should I make my airfare reservations?
                                                   Once you have received the assignment letter from the office, you can begin to
                                                    make travel arrangements.  All members of the site visit team (Apprentices,
                                                    Team Members, and Team Chairs) should work together to coordinate travel as
                                                    much as possible.
                                         •   When completing the Report of Site Visit Team Findings via the AMS Site Visitor Portal,
                                             is there an option to designate a specific objective as ‘nonapplicable’?

                                                  Yes. A few objectives do have an ‘N/A’ option in the drop down menu under the
                                                    ‘Met Objective’ field in the Report of Site Visit Team Findings. If ‘N/A’ is an
                                                    option, a scroll bar will be present to display all response options. Look for this
                                                    under Objectives 2.4, 4.9, and 5.2 (Radiography and Therapy).

                                         •   I accepted a site visit in New England. I’d love to stay a few extra days — can I?

                                                  Yes. That is one of the greatest advantages of being a site visitor. Give the dates
                                                    to the travel agency and they will seek our approval for date deviation. Please
                                                    know that any costs unrelated to the site visit (hotel, meals, entertainment,
                                                    increases in airfare, etc.) are your responsibility. Enjoy!

                                         •   When we got to the hotel that the institution had arranged, there was only one hotel
                                             room reserved. Do we have to stay in the same room??
                                                  No. It is our expectation that each site visit team member has their own private
                                                    hotel room. Purchase another room and include this additional cost on your
                                                    expense voucher.

                                         •   What are my post-site visit responsibilities?

                                                  The site visit team has several responsibilities upon completion of the site visit.
                                                    Consistent with JRCERT policies, the team chair must submit the Report of
                                                    Site Visit Team Findings (RSVTF) within seven days of completion of the site
                                                    visit; all members of the site visit team must submit their expense voucher and
                                                    receipts to; and complete the peer evaluation(s) and evaluation
                                                    of the accreditation process within 14 days.

                                         •   What should the site visit team do if the two members cannot reach consensus about
                                             compliance with a particular objective?
                                                  If the two (or three) site visit team members cannot reach consensus regarding
                                                    the compliance of a particular objective, please contact the JRCERT office for
                                                    assistance in evaluating the situation.

                REAL ID                  REAL ID COMPLIANCE

                Beginning                Beginning May 7, 2025, every air traveler at least 18 years of age will require a REAL ID-
                                         compliant driver’s license or identification card, state-issued enhanced driver’s license, or
                May 7, 2025              other TSA-acceptable form of identification at airport security checkpoints for domestic air

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