Page 116 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 116

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               The JRCERT Welcomes NEW Programs

              Congratulations and welcome   and program officials are to be com-  Austin Peay State University
              to these newly accredited    mended for their hard work and    Clarksville, TN
              programs.  Since the April    demonstrated high levels of       Radiation Therapy
              2016 meeting of the Board of   professionalism:
              Directors, three applicant                                     Wiregrass Georgia Technical College -
              programs have been awarded   Orange County Community College   Valdosta Campus
              initial JRCERT accreditation   Middletown, NY                  Valdosta, GA
              by the Board of Directors.   Radiography                       Radiography
              The sponsoring institutions

               Accreditation Specialist Tom Brown

               “The JRCERT will be losing Tom
               Brown, Accreditation Specialist
               and editor of our Pulse newslet-
               ter in January as he retires after
               13 years with the JRCERT.  He
               has been a tremendous asset to
               the organization and will be great-
               ly missed.  We wish Tom all the
               best in his future plans.  Here are
               a couple comments from Tom.”

               - Leslie

               “I’ve truly enjoyed a wonderful run   “I am looking forward to spending
               working at the JRCERT.  Leslie and   more time on my several hobbies      JRCERT
               executive staff, supported by the   (including bagpiping and banjo   20 North Wacker Drive
               Board of Directors, have created a   picking) traveling with my wife, and
                                                                                        Suite 2850
               culture that fosters cooperation   enjoying the grandkids.
                                                                                 Chicago, IL  60606-3182
               among everyone in the organization
                                            “It’s bittersweet, as I will definitely
               and encourages every member of                                         (312) 704-5300
                                            miss my colleagues and the many
               the team to provide the best ser-
                                            friends I’ve made at the various       (312) 704-5304 (fax)
               vice possible to our programs
                                            programs around the country. (e-mail)
               throughout the accreditation
                                            “All the best!”                 
                                            - Tom

                 This Pulse Newsletter is archived on the JRCERT Web site,, under the “News” tab.

                                 Pulse Editor:  Thomas Brown, M.A.Ed., R.T.(R), Accreditation Specialist
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