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               Seminar/Workshop Attendees Share Ideas for Program Improvement

            Following the May 2015 Accreditation Semi-    Stress importance of maintaining docu-  assessment plan.”  Ms. Shoener also stated
                                                  mentation for inclusion in the self-study/
            nar and Assessment Workshop held in Chi-                             that the college is in the process of moving
                                                  site-visit process, i.e., no last minute
            cago, we were extremely pleased when   surprises!                    to new assessment software, so this was
            program faculty from the radiography pro-                            the ideal time to revise the assessment
            gram sponsored by Harrisburg Area Com-  Additionally, the program facilitates feedback   plan for the radiography program.
            munity College (HACC), Lancaster Campus,   from clinical staff by placing scan cards at all   Some General Comments
            Lancaster, PA contacted us to explain how   clinical settings that utilize industry-standard   from the Program Director
            they are implementing and expanding on   Quick Response (QR) Code technology.
            some basic concepts discussed at the semi-  Clinical staff can then utilize a smart phone     “It was extremely valuable to have
            nar and workshop.  Rebecca Shoener, M.S.,   with any commonly available QR Code scan-  the coordinators attend the seminar
                                                                                     and workshop with me.  We can now
            M.Ed., R.T.(R), radiography program direc-  ning app to access a Survey Monkey® feed-  work more effectively as a team.”
            tor, and clinical coordinators, Sara Crill B.A.,   back form.           “Assessment of student learning is
                                                                                     continually evolving.  If your pro-
            R.T.(R) and Terri Hildebrand B.S.A.H., R.T.                              gram’s plan needs changing, don’t be
            (R)(M), attended the seminar/workshop                                    nervous about making revisions - just
            together - all with the idea of gathering as                             do it.”
            much information as possible to improve                                 “Most beneficial for us was to be-
                                                                                     come more comfortable with
            their program.  What follows is a summary                                JRCERT staff members - put a face
            of their feedback.                                                       with the name - and to brainstorm
                                               According to the program director, this   ideas with attendees from other
               Everyone on Same Page                                                 programs.”
                                               direct feedback mechanism allows clinical
            The JRCERT Accreditation Seminar and   staff to provide valuable, nearly instantane-  The JRCERT extends its sincere thanks to
            Outcomes Assessment Workshop both   ous, and confidential feedback on students’   the radiography program faculty from
            stress the importance of a well-structured,   progress, concerns, or general comments to   Harrisburg Area Community College,
            appropriately sequenced competency-based   assist program faculty.  The source of the   Lancaster Campus for taking time to share
            curriculum.  To achieve this, the communica-  feedback is kept confidential and is only   their best practices.  Any questions re-
            tions between faculty, clinical instructors,   shared anonymously as general feedback   garding the HACC radiography program
            and staff must be top notch. The HACC   received from clinical staff.   may be directed to Rebecca Shoener,
            radiography program utilizes 28 clinical set-  Revising Outcomes  Programs are re-
            tings; therefore, it is imperative that clinical   Assessment Process  minded that the JRCERT does not endorse
            activities are well synchronized with pro-                           the use of any specific learning resources
                                               The HACC faculty were well aware before
            gram policies and goals.  To optimize com-                           or program practices utilized to achieve
                                               coming to the Outcomes Assessment Work-
            munications, the program publishes a news-                           compliance with the STANDARDS.  The
                                               shop that the program’s assessment plan and
            letter and program faculty participate in                            JRCERT, however, welcomes feedback
                                               process would benefit from revision. “We
            regularly scheduled meetings with clinical                           from all our programs and, wherever pos-
                                               wanted to improve our outcomes assess-
            instructors and staff to:                                            sible, will use the input to improve our
                                               ment process and began preparing in advance   seminars, workshops, and the accredita-
               Review program policies regarding  for the workshop by updating our mission   tion process.
                supervision, grievances, etc.  statement and reviewing the JRCERT’s as-
               Review technologist’s role in working  sessment modules,” said Rebecca Shoener,
                with students
                                               program director.  “The modules definitely
                                               pointed out the need for changes to our
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