Page 80 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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Volume 4, Number 2                                                                         Fall 2018


            A Publication of the Joint Review Committee on
            Education in Radiologic Technology

            From the CEO                                                                Inside this issue:

                                                                                        Excellence in Education   2
            Welcome to winter!  The temperatures   holiday season!  We look forward to   Conference
            and snow here in Chicago lately have   working with all of you in 2019!
                                                                                        Standards Revision Update  3
            certainly made winter come early this
            year!                                                                       Board of Directors Update  4
                                                                                        JRCERT Staff News
            Please be sure to read through this
            edition of the Pulse to stay up to date on                                  Emergency Closings    5

            JRCERT organizational information.                                          Annual Reports/Customer
            There is important news concerning the                                      Satisfaction Surveys
            upcoming JRCERT 50  Anniversary                                             Annual Fee Increase
            Excellence in Education Conference,
            JRCERT Board of Directors updates,                                          Accreditation Quick Tips   6
            accreditation quick tips, and other
                                                                                        The JRCERT Welcomes   7
            important information.
                                                                                        New Programs
            On behalf of the JRCERT Board and staff,
                                               Leslie Winter, M.S., R.T.(R)
            we wish you all a very happy and safe   Chief Executive Officer

            JRCERT Seeking an Accreditation Specialist

            The JRCERT is currently seeking a   This individual will be responsible for   part of the JRCERT staff, please send a
            candidate for the position of      reviewing accreditation documents,   cover letter, curriculum vitae, salary
            Accreditation Specialist.  The individual   supporting program officials throughout the   requirements, and three letters of
            must have the following qualifications:   accreditation process, and representing the   reference to Leslie Winter via e-mail
            certification by the ARRT in radiography   JRCERT at professional organization and   ( Due to the
            and/or radiation therapy, master’s   state meetings.  This position requires   upcoming holidays and end of semester
            degree, experience as an educator or site   relocation to Chicago, IL with a   obligations, the JRCERT has received
            visitor, strong communication skills,   flexible start date.           requests to extend the application
            ability to manage multiple priorities, and                             deadline.  Please submit the necessary
                                               The JRCERT offers a competitive salary and
            ability to work independently as well as   comprehensive benefits.  If you are   documentation no later than
            part of a team.                                                        February 15, 2019.
                                               interested in the opportunity to become a
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