Page 82 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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            Standards Revision Update

              The JRCERT Standards Revision    The JRCERT is grateful for those who   The project remains on schedule and
              Committee would like to update you on   provided feedback on Draft 1.  Draft 1   you can review the complete timetable
              the progress of the project.  The   remains on the website for those   at our main Standards Revision
              committee has worked diligently over   wishing to perform a more thorough   webpage or by clicking Standards
              the past six months to finalize Draft 2.    crosswalk; however, some noteworthy   Revision Project Timetable.
                                               changes in Draft 2 are as follows:
              Draft 2 is now available on the                                      JRCERT representatives will be
                                               •   A full-time equivalent clinical
              Standards Revision webpage.  The                                     facilitating Standards revision
                                                   coordinator is required if the
              JRCERT will announce a call for                                      presentations at the following meetings
                                                   program has more than 15
              comments via both surveys and email.  If                             in 2019:
                                                   students enrolled in the clinical
              at any time you wish to comment,
                                                   component of the program.         •   West Coast Educators
              please feel free to email us at
                                                   (All documents)                    Conference, Wednesday,
                                               •   The direct supervision of students   February 6 , Orlando, Florida.

                                                   during surgical procedures.     •   Association of Collegiate
              JRCERT representatives facilitated
                                                   (Radiography documents)            Educators in Radiologic
              Standards revision presentations at
                                               •   Three-year average credentialing   Technology (ACERT) 44th
              national and state society meetings
              throughout 2018 including:           examination pass rate of not less   ACERT Conference, Thursday,
              •   The American Society for         than 75 percent at first attempt   February 7 , Las Vegas, Nevada.
                                                   within six months of graduation.   •   The Association of Educators in
                 Therapeutic Radiology and
                                                   (Excluding Medical Dosimetry       Radiologic Technology of the State
                 Oncology (ASTRO) 60  Annual
                                                   documents)                         of New York, April 10-12 , Lake
              •   The American Association of   •   Three-year average credentialing   George, New York.
                                                   examination pass rate of not less   •   Other dates/locations to be
                 Medical Dosimetrists (AAMD) 43
                                                   than 75 percent at first attempt   determined – check the JRCERT
                 Annual Meeting
              •   The Wisconsin Society of         within twelve months of            website.
                                                   graduation. (Medical Dosimetry
                 Radiologic Technologists (WSRT)                                   As always, we look forward to your
                 Annual Conference             •                                   continued input and to publishing a
              •   The California Society of Radiologic   Three-year average job placement   comprehensive Standards 2021
                                                   rate of not less than 75% within
                 Technologists (CSRT) Annual                                       document.
                                                   twelve months of graduation. (All
                 Conference.                                                       Sincerely,

                                               •   Programs must have access to a

                                                   fully energized laboratory.
                                                   (Radiography documents)
                                                                                   Lorie Zelna, M.S., R.T.(R)(MR)
                                                                                   Standards Committee Chair
                                                                                   First Vice Chair – JRCERT Board of
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