Page 83 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 83


            Board of Directors Update

                                                The JRCERT Board of Directors met in   University of Texas M.D. Anderson
                                                Chicago for their biannual meeting from   Cancer Center in Houston,
                                                October 18-19, 2018.  As always, the   TX.  Welcome Dr. Dehghanpour!
                                                Board discussed many items on their   Dr. Dehghanpour will replace Laura
                                                agenda and considered the accreditation
                                                                                   Borghardt, M.S., CMD, as the certified
                                                awards for many programs.
                                                                                   medical dosimetrist on the JRCERT
                                                The Board is pleased to announce that   Board.  Ms. Borghardt’s six-year term
                                                Mahsa Dehghanpour, Ed.D., CMD has   will conclude at the end of the April
                                                been elected to serve on the JRCERT   2019 Board Meeting.  Thank you Ms.
                                                Board of Directors at the conclusion of   Borghardt for your many years of
                                                the April 2019 Board meeting.  Dr.   dedication to the JRCERT!
                                                Dehghanpour is currently the Medical
                                                Dosimetry Program Director at The

            Mahsa Dehghanpour, Ed.D., CMD

            JRCERT Staff News

            If you have called the JRCERT office   In August 2018, Senior Executive
            recently, you may have noticed a    Assistant Angie Mielcarek celebrated 25
            different voice answering the phone.    years at the JRCERT.  The JRCERT
            Meagan Cruz is the newest addition to   Board of Directors and staff thank
            the JRCERT staff and will take over as   Angie for her dedication and continued
            Office Assistant upon Betty         support of the organization.
            Matulewicz’s retirement in March, 2019.
                                                Traci Lang, M.S.R.S., R.T.(R)(T) was
            Also in March, 2019, Administrative
                                                recently promoted to Associate     From left to right: Traci Lang, M.S.R.S.,
            Assistant Jean Samuelson is set to retire.                             R.T.(R)(T),  Angie Mielcarek , Jean
                                                Director and Jacqueline Kralik, M.A.L.,   Samuelson, Betty Matulewicz, Jacqueline
            Betty and Jean combined have given 17
                                                R.T.(R)(CT)(MR) was recently       Kralik, M.A.L., R.T.(R)(CT)(MR),
            years of experience to the JRCERT.                                     Meagan Cruz
                                                promoted to Assistant Director.
            The JRCERT Board of Directors and
                                                Congratulations Traci and Jacqueline!
            staff thank Betty and Jean for their many
                                                Jay Hicks, Ed.D., R.T.(R), is no longer
            years of hard work and wish them a   with the organization; we wish Jay
            happy retirement!
                                                success in his future endeavors.
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