Page 84 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 84


            Emergency Closings

            The JRCERT continues to send our best   office may close unexpectantly in the best   to your inquiries and correspondence as
            wishes to all of those affected by the   interest of the staff’s safety.  If you should   soon as possible.
            plethora of natural disasters this year.  If   call the office during normally scheduled
            any program requires assistance from the   business hours and receive an office is
            JRCERT during any unforeseen        closed message, please check the JRCERT
            circumstance, please do not hesitate to   web site for possible information about
            contact us.                         the office closure in the scrolling ribbon
                                                at the top of the page.  In the event the
            Additionally, with the winter season upon
            us, please understand that the JRCERT   office is closed, JRCERT staff will respond

            Annual Reports/Customer Satisfaction Surveys

            Over the summer months, the         If you would still like to complete the
            JRCERT opened a satisfaction survey   survey, please click on the following
            to all of our programs.  A link had   link.  The survey will remain open until
            been included in a broadcast email as   the remaining annual reports are
            well as the 2017 Program Annual     submitted.  As a reminder, the 2017
            Reports.  So far, we have received   Annual Reports for those programs
            hundreds of responses with very     graduating students after October 1,
            useful feedback.  Thank you to      2017 are due by January 18, 2019.
            everyone that completed the survey!

            Annual Fee Increase

            At the JRCERT Board of Directors    to JRCERT Policy 11.000, the JRCERT
            meeting in October 2018, the Board   publishes notification of fee increases at
            voted to adopt a revised JRCERT fee   least one (1) year prior to the
            schedule.  The new fee schedule will be   proposed date of increase.  Please be
            effective on January 1, 2020.  Pursuant   sure to review the revised schedule at
                                                the following link.
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