Page 86 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 86

Volume 4, Number 1                                                                         May 2018


            A Publication of the Joint Review Committee on
            Education in Radiologic Technology

            From the CEO                                                                     Inside this issue:

            Greetings, and welcome once      April 2018 Board Meeting to review some of      Board Update          2
            more to spring!  The snow has    the actions taken during the recent meeting.
                                                                                             Standards Revision    3
            melted and the temperatures are
                                             Thank you for your continued support of         ASRT Magnetic Resonance  4
            rising rapidly in Chicago!  The
            JRCERT Board of Directors                                                        Site Visit Scheduling   5
                                             accreditation and
            completed its April 2018 meeting                                                 Upcoming Resources    6
                                             the Board, staff,
            on April 19-20 here in Chicago.
                                             and myself wish                                 2017 Annual Report    6
            The Board took accreditation
                                             everyone a                                      JRCERT Organizational   7
            actions on several programs and                                                  Report
                                             pleasant spring
            discussed many important topics.
                                             and summer                                      Accreditation Quick Tips   7
            Please be sure to read the articles   season.
                                                                                             The JRCERT Welcomes   8
            in this edition of the Pulse as they   Leslie                                    New Programs
            relate important information                                                     New Employee          8
            regarding the JRCERT.  Also,
                                                             Leslie Winter, M.S., R.T.(R)
            please read the Summary of the
                                                             Chief Executive Officer

             Save the Date!

            The JRCERT will be hosting its 50    topics pertaining to accreditation and
                                                                                    The JRCERT is the only agency
            Anniversary Excellence in Education   education.  More details about this   recognized by the United States
            Conference in downtown Chicago   conference and an open call for        Department of Education (USDE) and
                                                                                    the Council for Higher Education
            on Monday and Tuesday, November   speakers will be forthcoming.  Mark   Accreditation (CHEA) for the
            4-5, 2019.  Speakers from around  your calendars now to join us in      accreditation of traditional and distance
                                                                                    delivery education programs in
            the country will present a variety of   Chicago!
                                                                                    radiography, radiation therapy, magnetic
                                                                                    resonance, and medical dosimetry.

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