Page 81 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 81


            Excellence in Education Conference

            Preparations for the JRCERT 50th   of the Trade for Radiologic Sciences   registration is $350 and will go up
            Anniversary Excellence in Education   Educators/Strategies for becoming an   beginning mid-April so be sure to
            Conference on November 4-5, 2019 at   effective educator”.  Other confirmed   register early and get the early bird rate!
            the Blackstone Hotel in Chicago are well   speakers include Jeff Killion, Ph.D., R.T.(R)  Hotel rooms at the Blackstone Hotel
            under way!  Registration for the event will   (QM), Nina Kowalczyk, Ph.D., R.T.(R)  are available at a discounted rate of
            be open soon.  Information about the   (CT)(QM), FASRT, FAEIRS, Kelli Welch   $199.99/night.  This rate is available
            conference including speakers, location,   Haynes, Ed.D. R.T.(R), and Janice Martin,   during the conference days as well as
            and other important information will be   M.A., R.T.(R).  Topics being presented will   before and after the event if you would
            available at   include interprofessional education,   like to extend your stay in downtown
            beginning January 15 , 2019.  The JRCERT   leadership, ethical responsibilities,   Chicago.  Please contact the Blackstone
            is proud to announce that Laura Aaron,   collaboration, evaluation, assessment, and   for more details.  We look forward to
            Ph.D., R.T.(R)(M)(QM), FASRT will   soft skills.  A complete list of all speakers   seeing everyone in Chicago next
            headline the conference as keynote   and topics will be available on the   November!
            speaker.  Dr. Aaron will present “Tricks   conference web site.  Early bird

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