Page 88 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 88


            Standards Revision Update

            The JRCERT Standards Revision       and have attempted to provide       I’d like to welcome Mrs. Lorie Zelna,
            Committee would like to update      some clarifying information.        M.S., R.T.(R)(MR) to the role of
            you on the progress of the          Therefore, we have developed a      Standards Committee Chair.  I am
            project.   The committee met in     Frequently Asked Questions          confident that Lorie will provide
            April to begin the process of       (FAQs) type document that will      excellent leadership and dedication to
            developing Draft 2.  This process   be an ongoing feature under the     this most important charge.
            begins with the committee           Standards Revision webpage.
            thoroughly reviewing each           Please take a moment to review
            comment from all our                the document.                       As always, we look forward to your
            stakeholders to identify themes.                                        continued input and to publishing the
            The survey results are available at   On July 11, 2018, JRCERT          second draft of the Standards in the
            the Standards Revision webpage.     representatives will facilitate a   near future.
                                                pre-conference forum of the
            JRCERT representatives facilitated   standards revision just prior to the   Sincerely,
            Standards revision presentations    Association of Educators in
            at national, regional, and state    Imaging and Radiologic Sciences
            society meetings throughout 2018.   (AEIRS) 2018 Annual meeting.
            The JRCERT is grateful for          Registration for this event has     Bette A. Schans, Ph.D., R.T.(R), FASRT
            national and state organizations    been closed due to maximum          Previous Standards Committee Chair
            for providing thoughtful feedback.    attendance.                       Chair – JRCERT Board of Directors
            To see a chart of feedback
            sources, a list of revision         The project remains on schedule
            presentations, and a list of        and you can review the complete
            organizations that provided         timetable at our main Standards
            feedback, please click here.        Revision webpage or by clicking
                                                Standards Revision Project          Lorie Zelna, M.S., R.T.(R)(MR)
            The committee identified three      Timetable.                          Incoming Standards Committee Chair
            main areas that will still need                                         First Vice Chair – JRCERT Board of
            additional input and further        We welcome comments at any          Directors
            vetting:  1) Objective 2.3 –        time, so if you were unable to
            requirement of an energized         respond to one of the initial
            laboratory (Radiography Degree      surveys, please feel free to send
            document), 2) Objective 3.1 –       comments to:
            clinical coordinator threshold (All,
            documents), and Objective 6.3 –, or look for a
            program effectiveness data          JRCERT representative at an
            thresholds (All documents).         upcoming conference.

            Upon review of stakeholder input,   As I transition to the role of
            we noted many of your questions     JRCERT Board of Directors Chair,
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