Page 89 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 89


            ASRT Magnetic Resonance White Paper to Set Workplace
            Safety Guidelines for MR Technologists

                                                The ASRT assembled a                the mission of the ASRT to
                                                workgroup of MR technologists       advance and elevate the medical
                                                to analyze the results and draft    imaging and radiation therapy
                                                the framework for a white paper.    profession and to enhance the
                                                This has been an ongoing process    quality and safety of patient care.
                                                and will take several months to
                                                                                    Amanda Garlock has been a
                                                complete.  I’m incredibly proud of
                                                                                    registered technologist for 11
                                                the white paper workgroup and
                                                all the MR technologists who        years.  She graduated from Pima
                                                completed the survey. It’s exciting   Medical Institute in 2007 with her
                                                to be part of a group of dedicated   A.A.S. in Radiologic Sciences.  She
                                                                                    spent the next few years working
                                                professionals who are
            By ASRT President Amanda
                                                painstakingly examining data,       in a busy clinic while working on
            Garlock, M.S., R.T.(R)(MR)
                                                identifying trends and establishing   her bachelor degree and then
            As a practicing Magnetic            best practices that will enhance    finally earning her masters in
                                                                                    healthcare administration from
            Resonance (MR) technologist, I      the profession.
                                                                                    Colorado State University.  She
            embrace best practices to make
                                                When the white paper is             was elected to the ASRT Board in
            sure I am current with patient
                                                completed, MR technologists can     2012 as the Vice-Speaker of the
            safety measures and protocols.
                                                look forward to a document that     House and since then has held the
            Therefore, when I became
                                                provides workplace safety           positions of Speaker, Vice-
            President of the American Society
                                                guidelines, facility workflow       President, President-Elect and
            of Radiologic Technologists
                                                processes, patient safety           President.  In June 2018 she begins
            (ASRT) in June 2017, I launched an
                                                protocols and ongoing training      her final year on the board,
            initiative to update MR best
                                                tactics.  It will be an industry-wide   serving as the Chairman.  Her
                                                tool to create positive changes     involvement with her professional
            To gather data, the ASRT            for the MR community and            association is supported by
            conducted a comprehensive           patient safety. We predict the      Whidbey Health, where she
            survey of MR technologists in the   white paper will be available by    currently is an imaging lead
            summer of 2017 to gauge their       summer 2018.  Upon completion,      technologist.  She also finds time
            insights on issues ranging from     it will be located on the ASRT      to teach part-time as an online
            facility safety measures and self-  Web site,, at no       instructor for Pima Medical
            reporting safety incidents to       cost for technologists, facility    Institute's Advanced Track
            dedicated safety zones in the MR    managers, and students. It is our   Radiography Program.
            suite and initial MR training.  The   responsibility to provide
            response was encouraging with       registered technologists with the
            more than 2,600 MR technologists    tools, services, and support they
            embracing the exercise and          need to succeed.  The MR safety
            providing valuable information.     white paper will help us achieve
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