Page 90 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 90


            Site Visit Scheduling

            The JRCERT office has recently     Professional Review Letter, the      •   Availability of modality-specific site
            received questions from program    program will receive a site-visit
                                                                                        visitors – The JRCERT is always
            officials about the site visit     scheduling form from the Accreditation
                                                                                        looking for site visitors to partake
            scheduling process.  What follows   Services Coordinator.
                                                                                        in the peer-evaluation process.
            is a description of the processes
                                               The scheduling of the site visit is      However, the number of site
            that take place before a site visit.                                        visitors in medical dosimetry,
                                               dependent upon many factors including:
            One year before the proposed                                                magnetic resonance, and radiation
                                               •  Availability of site visitors – Site
            site visit date, program officials                                          therapy is far less than the number
                                                  visitors are peer-reviewers who       of radiography site visitors.  The
            will receive a Greetings Letter
                                                  may be employed as program            smaller numbers in these
            informing the program that they
                                                  directors, clinical coordinators,     modalities correlate into some
            are scheduled for reevaluation
                                                  deans, or faculty of accredited       difficulties in scheduling site visits,
            within the next 12 months.  This
                                                  programs.  Their availability         especially if multiple medical
            letter notes the due date for the
                                                  fluctuates throughout the course      dosimetry or magnetic resonance
            Self-Study Report, as well as a
                                                  of the academic year, and many        site visits are proposed within a
            tentative month for the on-site
                                                  require advanced notice for leave     short period of time.
                                                  time.  The role of the JRCERT in  •   Natural disasters – Hurricanes,
            The Self-Study Report is due six      the accreditation process also        floods, earthquakes, fires, etc., will
            months before the proposed site       determines site visit team            all have impacts on proposed site
            visit date.  Upon submission of the   composition. If the JRCERT is         visit dates.  The safety and well-
            Self-Study Report, a JRCERT           identified as the programmatic        being of programs, students, and
            administrative assistant will review   accreditor, the JRCERT assigns a     families is of the highest
            documentation for Standard Six –      team composed of an educator          importance and site visits may
            Institutional/Programmatic Data.      and a practitioner.  If the JRCERT    need to be adjusted to
            The administrative assistant will     is identified as the program’s        accommodate these natural
            request any additional/clarifying     institutional accreditor, the         events.
            information to complete the           JRCERT assigns an academician     •   Timeliness of submitting
            requirements for Standard Six.        and an administrator.  A Team         additional/clarifying information –
            After this review of Standard Six,    Chair or Team Member must also        The site visit scheduling process
            the Self-Study Report is reviewed     be experienced with the type of       cannot begin until all required
            by Professional Staff.  Professional   program sponsor, such as four-       information has been submitted,
            Staff may identify required           year, two-year, or hospital-based     so prompt submission of all
            additional/clarifying information to   institutions.  The JRCERT also       materials may assist in expediting
            either be submitted to the office     requires at least one site visitor to  the site visit.
            or directly to the site visit team.    be experienced in distance
            This additional/clarifying            education, if the program uses    The factors listed above may have an
            information is identified in the      distance education delivery of four  impact on the proposed site visit date.
            Final Professional Review Letter.     or more courses.                  The JRCERT thanks you for your
            After receipt of the Final                                              participation in the site visit process.
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