Page 117 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 117


               Volume 2, Number 1                                                                 April 2016

              A Publication of the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology

          From the CEO                                                                         Inside this issue:

          Greetings, and welcome to   statement on the  JRCERT                             Updating Deactivated   2
          spring!  The JRCERT Board of   Standards regarding                               Clinical Settings
          Directors has just completed its   mammography clinical                          Meet the New Board!   3
          April 2016 meeting, April 7-8,   rotations.  Please be sure to
          here in Chicago and several key   read the articles regarding                    JRCERT Organizational   3
          decisions were made that will   these important decisions in                     Report
          affect all of our accredited   this issue of the Pulse and                       Accreditation Manage-  4
          programs.  For example, the   review the Summary of the                          ment System (AMS)
          Directors approved the     April 2016 Board Meeting.
          discontinuance of the current   The Board Meeting Summary                        CIHQ Approved to    4
                                                                Leslie Winter, M.S., R.T.(R)   Accredit Clinical Settings
          process requiring programs to   is also available at   Chief Executive Officer
          deactivate/reactivate clinical under the                        Position Statement on   5
          education settings.  The board   About Accreditation tab.                        Mammography
          also adopted a position    Leslie
                                                                                           Assessment Corner   5

                                                                                           Standards Revision   6
                                             will be identified simply as “Approved”
                                             settings. The rationale for the elimina-      Program Annual Report  6
            PROGRAM ACTION                   tion of the “Deactivated” status is de-       JRCERT Welcomes     6
            REQUIRED                         tailed on page 2 together with a link to      New Programs
                                             instructions on how to complete the
            BY JUNE 1st                      one-time update.                              ASRT Module on      7
                                             All updates or disaffiliations of clinical    Student Supervision
                                             settings identified as “Deactivated“ on       Image Gently Campaign  8
                                             your program database must be submit-
                                             ted no later than June1st.

           Effective immediately, programs will   See page 2 for more details.
           no longer need to deactivate/
           reactivate clinical settings based on
           varying student rotation schedules.                 The JRCERT is the only agency recognized by the United States
                                                               Department of Education (USDE) and the Council for Higher
           Programs with clinical settings cur-                Education Accreditation (CHEA) for the accreditation of tradi-
           rently identified as “Deactivated” will             tional and distance delivery education programs in radiography,
                                                               radiation therapy, magnetic resonance, and medical dosimetry.
           therefore need to perform a one-
           time update of these settings or disaf-
           filiate them.  Any updated settings
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