Page 118 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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                                     Meet The New Board!

                                     The makeup of the JRCERT   tremendous service during their   Professor, Associate Residency
                                     Board of Directors is once again   tenure on the Board and extend   Program Director, and Director
                                     changing as Directors complete   our wishes for their continued   of Medical Student Education at
                                     their terms of service.  At the   success.  Director Laura Bor-  the University of Wisconsin
                                     conclusion of the April 2016   ghardt, M.S., CMD will now   School of Medicine and Public
                                     meeting, two Directors complet-  assume the position of           Health - Madison, while Ms.
                                     ed their maximum six-year   Secretary/Treasurer.      Felder has recently retired from
                                     terms:  Darcy Wolfman, M.D.,                          her position as Health Profes-
                                                                We now welcome two new
                                     Secretary/Treasurer, and Susan                        sions Retention Specialist at Elgin
                                                                Directors to the Board.  Jason
                                     Hatfield, Ph.D., the Board’s pub-  Stephenson, M.D., nominated to   Community College, Elgin, IL.
                                     lic member.  The dedication and
                                                                the Board from the American   Both Dr. Stephenson and Ms.
                                     commitment of these two indi-
                                                                College of Radiology (ACR), and   Felder were installed as Direc-
           Jason W. Stephenson,  M.D.   viduals to the organization has
                                                                Beverly Felder, R.N., B.S.N.,   tors at the conclusion of the
                                     been invaluable.  We wish to
                                                                M.P.A., public member.  Dr.   spring meeting of the JRCERT
                                     extend our sincere appreciation   Stephenson is currently Assistant   Board of Directors.
                                     to Darcy and Susan for their

           Beverly J. Felder, R.N., B.S.N.,                 JRCERT Board of Directors
                                     Back Row (L - R):  Stephanie Eatmon, Ed.D., R.T.(R)(T), FASRT, Beverly J. Felder, R.N.,
                                     B.S.N., M.P.A., Jason L. Scott, M.B.A., R.T.(R)(MR), CRA, FAHRA, Laura Borghardt, M.S., CMD,
                                     Loraine (Lorie) Zelna, M.S., R.T.(R)(MR)

                                     Front Row (L - R):  Bette Schans, Ph.D., R.T.(R), FASRT, Tricia Leggett, DHEd., R.T.(R)
                                     (QM), Laura S. Aaron, Ph.D., R.T.(R)(M)(QM), FASRT, Jason W. Stephenson, M.D.

              JRCERT Organizational Report Now Available

              The JRCERT 2015 Organiza-     Summary of program accredita-     Complete listing
              tional Report is now available on   tion actions taken by the   of JRCERT site
              the JRCERT Web site.  The report   JRCERT Board of Directors in   visitors perform-
              contains the following information:   2015                ing site visits
                 Demographic information on      Details on the composition of   during 2015

                  accredited programs       the JRCERT Board of Directors

              If you have any questions regarding the report, please do not hesitate to call the office.
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