Page 127 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 127

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                 Preparing for a Site Visit?

                       This Should Help.

              Whether you’re a seasoned   have developed the JRCERT
              program director or new to   Program Accreditation Site Visit   Reminders for Site Visits
              the position and facing your   Checklist.  This checklist can also
              very first on-site visit, you   be found on our Web site,
              know all too well the inherent under the Pro-    Effective with site visits project-
              stress involved with a visit from   grams & Faculty tab, Program   ed for May 2016 and after, the
              the JRCERT site visit team.    Resources.                   fixed site visit fee will be
              This is only natural – you want                             $900.00 per site visitor.
                                       Programs are encouraged to
              the visit to go the best it possi-
                                       work closely with the site visit
              bly can!
                                       team chair in developing an agen-    The program will be responsi-
              To help you feel more com-  da that will result in a well-  ble for the arrangement and
              fortable that you have made all   coordinated and successful   cost of hotel accommodations.
              the right preparations, staff   site visit.


              Standards Revision

              As noted in our inaugural issue of   public to have an increased aware-  different accreditation paradigms.
              the JRCERT PULSE, the JRCERT   ness of accreditation and an expec-  We will keep you updated on the
              Board of Directors voted to open   tation that schools should be gradu-  project timeline and the distribution
              and begin a comprehensive revision   ating students with the skills and   of surveys in the near future.  Our
              of the current Standards for an Ac-  knowledge they need to be   pledge is to provide a fully transpar-
              credited Educational Program (2014) -   successful.         ent process; thus, we will develop a
              Radiography, Radiation Therapy, Mag-  The JRCERT remains steadfast in its   Standards Revision page on our Web
              netic  Resonance, and Medical Dosime-  commitment to excellence in educa-  site to house all important documents
              try.  Numerous items played a role   tion through the accreditation of   and communications related to the
              in this decision; however, the key   radiography, radiation therapy, mag-  project.
              rationale focused on issues sur-  netic resonance, and medical dosim-  We look forward to your feedback
              rounding programmatic outcomes   etry educational programs.  There-  and wish to thank you in advance for
              and lack of clarity in Standard Five -   fore, we have begun this lengthy   participating in this all-important
              Assessment.  The unknowns of the   revision process.  We are currently   standards revision project!
              reauthorization of the Higher Edu-  developing thought-provoking sur-  - Stephanie Eatmon,
              cation Act, fallout from the collapse   veys to scan the environment of the
              of Corinthian Colleges, planned   medical imaging and radiation oncol-  Ed.D., R.T.(R)(T), FASRT
              Obama administration executive   ogy professions.  Some exciting   Standards Committee Chair
              action on higher education accredi-  strategic initiatives will be included   First Vice Chair  - JRCERT Board of
              tation, and ever-increasing student   in these surveys to gauge the com-  Directors
              loan debt have all lead the general   munities’ interest in potentially
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