Page 119 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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               JRCERT Launches New Accreditation Management System (AMS)

               The JRCERT launched its new      If, after accessing the Portal Helps,
               Accreditation Management Sys-    you still need further assistance
               tem (AMS) on March 22  with a    in answering your question, you
                                                                                  Helpful Hint
               broadcast e-mail to program      may e-mail our Information
                                                                               If you are replacing a Program CEO or
               directors.  Based on feedback    Technology Administrator, Paul
               from programs, the system is     Luhn, at Your   Dean (or comparable administrator)
               working well!  Programs are      e-mails will be responded to in a  through the AMS portal, use the Pro-
               reminded to refer to the Portal   timely manner to help resolve   gram Official Change Request option.
               Helps available on the JRCERT    your portal issue.             Make sure to click on the “New” icon,
               Web site home page (upper                                       as you are creating a different Contact.
                                                We appreciate your feedback on
               right corner) to access instruc-                                If you are merely updating some of the
                                                the new AMS.
               tional videos to help give you a                                individual’s information, such as address
               working knowledge of the AMS.      Watch for AMS Portal “Tip   or credentials, use the “Edit” icon.
               The Portal Helps also include a     of The Week” broadcast e-
                                                   mails . . . coming soon!
               continually updated listing of
               frequently asked questions         Some programs apparently        receiving these broadcast e-mails,
               (FAQs) along with helpful,          are not receiving broadcast     please contact your IT department
                                                   e-mails from the JRCERT.  If    to check firewalls or other possi-
               straightforward answers.            you believe you are not         ble obstacles.

           JRCERT Approves Another Agency to Accredit Program Clinical Settings

                                                Center for Improvement in Healthcare     American College of Radiology
                                                Quality (CIHQ).  CIHQ, established in   (ACR)
                                                1999, is a membership-based organiza-    American College of Radiation
                                                tion comprised primarily of acute care   Oncology (ACRO)
                                                and critical access hospitals.  For fur-    Accreditation Association for
                                                ther information regarding CIHQ,    Ambulatory Health Care, Inc.
                                                please see their Web site at
               Consistent with JRCERT                                           
               Standards, clinical settings must be          Center for Improvement in
                                                hospital_accreditation_division.asp   Healthcare Quality (CIHQ)
               accredited to assure compliance
               with applicable laws that promote   The current listing of JRCERT-
               safe environments for students   approved clinical setting accreditors is   Note:
               and others.  The JRCERT Board,   as follows:                      Documentation of a state-issued
               at its April Meeting, approved an     The Joint Commission (TJC)  license is also acceptable.
               additional agency that will be
               acceptable as an accreditor of     DNV Healthcare, Inc.
               clinical settings utilized by our     Healthcare Facilities Accreditation
               programs.  The agency is the        Program (HFAP)
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