Page 120 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 120

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           Important Information!

              JRCERT Adopts New Position Statement                                 a particular clinical staff position.

              on Mammography Clinical Rotations                                    Based on the recent JRCERT Position
                                                                                   Statement, programs may, at their dis-
              The JRCERT Board of Directors, at its   cal rotation if requested; however,
                                                                                   cretion, choose to modify their clinical
              April 2016 meeting adopted a Position   programs will not be expected to at-
                                                                                   mammography rotation policies.  If the
              Statement on Mammography Clinical   tempt to override clinical site policies
                                                                                   program’s current policy is revised, it
              Rotations.  The position statement   that restrict mammography rotations to
                                                                                   must be publically disclosed on its Web
              provides clarification regarding   female students.  Male students should
                                                                                   site, along with the rationale for the
              Standard One - Objective 1.2 of   be advised that placement in a mam-
                                                                                   revision.  To assist programs with
              the JRCERT Standards which require   mography rotation is not guaranteed
                                                                                   transparency regarding this issue, the
              programs to “provide equitable learn-  and, in fact, would be very unlikely.  To
                                                                                   JRCERT has developed a “template”
              ing opportunities for all students.”   deny mammography educational experi-
                                                                                   that can be modified as necessary for
                                                ence to female students, however,
              The JRCERT does not provide legal                                    publication by the program.  Click here
                                                would place those students at a disad-
              advice to program officials; neverthe-                               for:
                                                vantage in the workforce where there
              less, the JRCERT has received numer-                                 JRCERT Position Statement on Mam-
                                                is a demand for appropriately educated
              ous inquiries regarding the placement                                mography Clinical Rotations
                                                professionals to address the needs of
              of students in mammography clinical
                                                patients.                          AND
              rotations.  The JRCERT understands
              that there have been significant con-  The JRCERT reiterates that it is the   Template for Publication of Revised
              cerns regarding the interpretation of   responsibility of each clinical site to   Policy on Mammography Clinical Rota-
              the JRCERT Standards regarding equi-  address any legal challenges related to a   tions
              table learning opportunities for all   program’s inability to place male stu-
                                                                                   Both of these documents are also avail-
              students.                         dents in a mammography rotation.   All
                                                                                   able at under Programs
              With regard to mammography, the   students should be informed and edu-  & Faculty/Program Resources.
              JRCERT has determined programs    cated about the various employment   If programs have questions on the new
              must make every effort to place a   opportunities and potential barriers   Position Statement, please do not hesi-
              male student in a mammography clini-  that may affect their ability to work in
                                                                                   tate to contact the JRCERT office.

            Assessment Corner

                                             The Assessment Corner area of     Here is another outstanding Web site
                                             the JRCERT Web site contains      that will provide you with a tremen-
                                             multiple resources to assist our   dous amount of guidance on outcomes
                                             programs with assessing stu-      assessment:
                                             dent learning which ultimately
                                             leads to program improvement
                                             – the goal of every educational
             “I need help with outcomes
             assessment!”                    program!
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