Page 123 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 123

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            JRCERT Support for Image Gently Campaign

            . . . thoughts and comments from a radiologist and recent JRCERT Director

                             The mission of   ric Imaging.  The Alliance is a coalition   used for imaging children, the imaging
                             the JRCERT       founded by the Society for Pediatric   procedure is medically necessary and
                             focuses on       Imaging, the American Society of Radio-  the ALARA principle is followed.  The
                             two distinct     logic Technologists, the American Col-  Image Gently campaign is not meant to
                             but related      lege of Radiology, and the American   dissuade the use of appropriate medical
                             elements         Association of Physicists in Medicine.    imaging in the pediatric population.
                             “promotes        The goal of the Alliance is to “change
                                                                                The radiologic technology community
           Darcy Wolfman, M.D.   excellence in   practice by raising awareness of the
           Walter Reed National   education and   opportunities to lower radiation dose   plays an important role in these discus-
           Military Medical Center                                              sions.  By incorporating these principles
           Bethesda, MD      elevates the     in the imaging of children.”  This goal is   into the education of radiologic tech-
                             quality and      directly in line with the mission of the
           Member of the JRCERT                                                 nologists, the profession can be at the
           Board of Directors   safety of pa-  JRCERT.                          forefront in advocating for these pa-
           through April 2016   tient care.”
           Board Meeting                      Pediatric imaging, and imaging in gen-  tients.  For further information on this
                             Quite often,
                                              eral, should be done as a team, with   important initiative, I recommend visit-
            programs and the public tend to over-  referring physicians, radiologists, radio-  ing the Image Gently Web site,
            look the JRCERT’s activities in support
                                              logic technologists, and qualified medi-, which provides a
            of patient care and safety.   The
                                                                                   wealth of information for radiolog-
            JRCERT Standards for educational
                                                                                   ic technologists, patients, famillies,
            programs include several objectives
                                                                                   and other caregivers.
            that guide programs in assuring stu-
            dents employ proper radiation safety                                   Darcy Wolfman, M.D.
            practices to protect themselves and
            their patients from the potentially
                                              cal physicists, all playing important roles   JRCERT
            harmful effects of ionizing radiation.
                                              in patient care.  The best way radiologic
                                                                                   20 North Wacker Drive
            As a practicing radiologist and recent   technologists can be involved in chang-
                                                                                          Suite 2850
            member of the JRCERT Board of Di-  ing practice locally is to be judicious in
            rectors, I am dedicated to the precepts   their use of ionizing radiation and serve   Chicago, IL  60606-3182
            of the JRCERT’s mission.  I am especial-  as advocates for the use of the ALARA   (312) 704-5300
            ly proud that the JRCERT is identified   (as low as reasonably achievable) princi-
                                                                                     (312) 704-5304 (fax)
            as one of more than 95 Alliance Organ-  ple when imaging pediatric patients.
            izations that have pledged their support   The Image Gently campaign is meant to
            for the Image Gently Campaign from the   prompt discussion and awareness to
            Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediat-  ensure that when ionizing radiation is

                 This Pulse Newsletter is archived on the JRCERT Web site,, under the “News” tab.

                                 Pulse Editor:  Thomas Brown, M.A.Ed., R.T.(R), Accreditation Specialist
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