Page 121 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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              Standards Revision Survey Available on the JRCERT Web Site

              As the initial step in the compre-  can find the Standards Revision   We look forward to your feed-
              hensive revision of the current   Survey under the Standards Revision    back and wish to thank you in
              JRCERT Standards for an Accredit-  area on the Web site home page   advance for taking the time to
              ed Educational Program (2014) –   at or by clicking   complete the survey.   Extensive
              Radiography, Radiation Therapy,   here.                           input from our programs is criti-
              Magnetic Resonance, and Medical   As part of the Standards revision   cally important to the develop-
              Dosimetry, the JRCERT has pub-  process, the JRCERT will also be   ment of standards that truly re-
              lished to our programs a survey to   surveying other communities of   flect the goals and future direc-
              assess the validity, reliability, and   interest, such as professional soci-  tion of our profession.
              ease of interpretation of the cur-  eties and agencies, to seek their   Stephanie Eatmon, Ed.D.,
              rent Standards and to identify   input on the development of the   R.T.(R)(T), FASRT
                                                                                Standards Committee Chair
              potential issues and direction.  You   new Standards.
                                                                                First Vice Chair-JRCERT Board of

               Watch for the 2015 Program Annual Report – Coming July 11th

              The 2015 Program Annual Re-     Web site under Programs &         annual report.
              port will be available to programs   Faculty/Program Resources. The   The due dates for submitting the
              on the Accreditation Manage-    guide is a valuable resource to
                                                                                2015 Program Annual Report are
              ment System (AMS) portal, the   help answer questions you may
                                                                                as follows:
              week of July 11, 2016.  Programs   have about completing the
                                                                                Programs with final graduation of
              will receive a broadcast e-mail
                                                                                students between January 1 and
              announcing the availability of the
                                                                                September 30, 2015 - October
              annual report on the portal.
                                                                                3, 2016.
              Additionally, a link will be provid-
              ed in the e-mail to a Guide for                                   Programs with final graduation of
              Completing the 2015 Program                                       students between October 1 and
              Annual Report.  The guide will also                               December 31, 2015 - January
              be made available on the JRCERT                                   18, 2017.

             The JRCERT Welcomes NEW Programs

             Congratulations and welcome   Board of Directors. The   Augusta Technical College   Grand Valley State University
             to these newly accredited pro-  sponsoring institutions and   Augusta, GA   Grand Rapids, MI
             grams.  Since the October 2015   program officials are to be   Radiography   Medical Dosimetry
             meeting of the Board of Direc-  commended for their hard
             tors, four applicant programs   work and demonstrated high   Pioneer Pacific College   Radiological Technologies
                                                                                  University VT
             have been awarded initial   levels of professionalism:   Springfield, OR
                                                                                  South Bend, IN
             JRCERT accreditation by the                     Radiography
                                                                                  Medical Dosimetry
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