Page 122 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 122

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           Reviewing Student Supervision Requirements with Clinical Staff

            It has always been a challenge for radiog-
            raphy programs to make certain that all
            clinical staff at the clinical settings are peri-
            odically reminded of the program’s student
            supervision policies.

            Now there is an easy and effective way to
            meet the requirements of JRCERT Stand-
            ard Four - Objectives 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6                Written by Myke Kudlas, M.Ed. RT.(R)(QM),
            which require programs to document that                   CIIP, PMP
                                                                   Chief Learning and Membership Officer
            its supervision policies are made known to             American Society of Radiologic Technologists
            students, clinical instructors, and clinical
            staff.  In January, the American Society of
            Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) published                       How To Obtain A Multi-
                                             pants will receive a certificate from
            an informative and entertaining, 5-minute,
                                             the ASRT recognizing their achieve-  Use Institutional Version
            animated module on its Web site,
                                             ment.   Technologists who want to
  , titled, Student Supervi-                    Standard Four – Objectives 4.4, 4.5, and
                                             complete the module will need to
            sion | 2016 at the ASRT Store (keyword                          4.6.
                                             create an account in the ASRT Store.
            search “supervision”). A link to the module
                                             There is no charge to create an ac-  Programs can purchase their own Student Su-
            is also available on the JRCERT Web site
                                             count or to access this specific mod-  pervision institutional module on disc for $50
            under the Programs & Faculty tab, Program
                                             ule.                           member/$100 nonmember, plus $4.95 shipping/
            Resources.   The module is an excellent
                                                                            handling.  To place order, the program may
            resource that can be used as one method   The module uses the JRCERT Stand-
                                                                            contact Erin Livermore by phone at (800) 444-
            to assist programs in reminding clinical staff   ards on supervision as its framework;
                                                                            2778, Ext. 1097, or e-mail
            working with students of the program’s   therefore, programs submitting self-
                                                                            The package includes the module on disc, a tran-
            direct, indirect, and repeat image supervi-  study reports or interim reports may
                                                                            script, test bank of questions, and completion
            sion policies.                   choose to provide documentation to
                                                                            certificate blank to be used locally.
                                             the JRCERT that clinical staff have
            After viewing the module and successfully
                                             reviewed this module as an additional   The JRCERT wishes to express its sincere thanks
            completing a brief 5-question quiz, partici-
                                             way to document compliance with   to the ASRT for creating this very effective and
            Options for Documenting Compliance:  Objectives 4.4, 4.5, 4.6

                Documentation of completion of the ASRT “Supervision | 2016” module.
                Published program materials (e.g., student handbook containing supervision policies, introductory course outlines, etc.)
                Representative agenda from meetings with clinical instructors and clinical staff
                Newsletters, broadcast e-mails and other communications to students, clinical instructors, and/or clinical staff remind-
                 ing them of the program’s supervision policies
                Clinical evaluation forms/tools containing question(s) on the adequacy of student supervision

                Clinical forms/tools documenting the implementation of supervision policies, etc.
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