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               Volume 1, Number 2                                                               October, 2015

              A Publication of the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology

           From the CEO

                                                                                           Inside this issue:
          Greetings:             lengthy process of revising
          The JRCERT Board of    the STANDARDS.
                                                                                           MR Safety Screening   2
          Directors and staff extend   This issue of the PULSE
          our best wishes to you   will help you stay informed                             Preparing for a Site Visit  3
          and your students as you   on JRCERT activities.
          celebrate National     Please be sure to read the                                STANDARDS           3
          Radiologic Technology   Summary of October 2015
          Week (November 8-14,   Board Meeting (October                                    Feedback from Seminar  4
          2015).                 15-16) to remain up-to-                                   Attendees
          The JRCERT organization   date on the Board’s                                    Distance Education   5
          is tremendously busy as   actions.
          we move closer to      Best wishes for                                           The JRCERT Welcomes   5
                                                                                           New Programs
          launching the new      Thanksgiving and the
          Accreditation Management   holiday season!                                       Assessment Corner        6
                                                              Best Wishes from the
          System and begin the                                     JRCERT!
                                 - Leslie Winter                                           Leslie’s 20th Anniversary  6

          Summary of October 2015                             Accreditation Management System
          Board Meeting                                       on Schedule

           Click here to see a complete Summary of the October 2015
           Board Meeting.  If you have questions or need clarification   We are excited to be nearing the   scheduled to be available 1
           after reading the meeting summary, please feel free to contact   launch of the new JRCERT Ac-  Quarter 2016.  Programs will
           the JRCERT office.                                 creditation Management System   receive an e-mail notification
                                                              (AMS).   The new system will   once the system is available.
                                                              provide our programs with a   We would like to thank our
                                                              streamlined method to conduct   programs for their continued
                     The JRCERT is the only agency recognized by   accreditation activities.   patience as we complete this
                     the United States Department of Education
                     (USDE) and the Council for Higher Education   The system is currently in testing   testing phase – we are almost
                     Accreditation (CHEA) for the accreditation of   phase.  The portal, which will   there!
                     traditional and distance delivery education pro-
                     grams in radiography, radiation therapy, mag-  allow programs to submit data to   - Paul Luhn, B.A.
                     netic resonance, and medical dosimetry.   the JRCERT, is currently   Information Technology
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