Page 126 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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                       MR Safety Screening for ALL Educational Programs

             Does your program have a published                               radiography, radiation therapy, mag-
             safety screening protocol for students                           netic resonance, and medical dosime-
             who have potential access to the mag-                            try -  must have a published MR safety
             netic resonance environment? In the                              screening protocol for students.
             past, programs may have defaulted to
                                                                              Programs should take steps to ensure
             individual clinical settings to include
                                                                              that all clinical settings utilizing mag-
             students in their respective safety
                                                                              netic resonance equipment are in-
             screening protocols; however, con-
                                                                              formed of the program’s screening
             sistent with interpretations to the
                                                                              protocol, procedures, and any inci-
             STANDARDS adopted by the
                                                                              dents or concerns relating to an indi-
             JRCERT Board of Directors October
                                                                              vidual student.
             2014, all educational programs –

             For more information on MR safety, you may want to access these Web sites:

                     American College of Radiology:
                     International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine/Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists:

             Also, if you have any questions regarding MR safety or MR program accreditation, please feel free to contact Accreditation Specialist,
             Jacqueline Kralik, M.A.L., R.T. (R)(CT)(MR), who serves as a resource to our MR programs, at

                         Standards for an                                     Standards for an
                     Accredited Educational                               Accredited Educational
                      Program in Magnetic                                Program in Radiography,
                             Resonance                                    Radiation Therapy, and
                  Standard Four - Objective 4.1 Makes                       Medical Dosimetry
                  available to students and the general
                  public accurate information about po-                Standard Four - Objective 4.3
                  tential workplace hazards associated                 Assures that students employ prop-
                  with magnetic fields.                                er radiation safety practices.

                  Information regarding the potential dangers
                  of implants or foreign bodies in students            Programs must establish a safety screening
                  must be published and provided to students           protocol for students having potential access
                                                                       to the magnetic resonance environment. This
                  and the general public. Programs must estab-
                  lish a safety screening protocol for all stu-        assures that students are appropriately
                  dents that assures that students are appro-          screened for magnetic wave or radiofrequen-
                  priately screened for magnetic wave or ra-           cy hazards. Programs must describe how they
                  diofrequency hazards. Programs must de-              prepare students for magnetic resonance safe
                                                                       practices and provide a copy of the screening
                  scribe how they prepare students for magnet-
                  ic resonance safe practices and provide a            protocol, if applicable.
                  copy of the screening protocol.
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